12 Awesome Floral Teas: Beauty, Fragrance & Benefits! (2024)

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I’ve always been captivated by the enchanting world of floral teas. Each cup offers a unique bouquet of flavors and fragrances that not only delight the senses but also bring a myriad of health benefits.

In this exploration of floral teas, we will uncover the secrets behind their beauty, the allure of their aromas, and the profound wellness benefits they provide. From the soothing chamomile to the vibrant hibiscus, join me on a journey through a garden of possibilities where each sip transports us closer to nature and nurtures our well-being.

So let’s brew and discover how these floral infusions can transform our health, one petal at a time!

12 Awesome Floral Teas: Beauty, Fragrance & Benefits! (1)

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1. Hibiscus: The Vibrant Refresher

Vibrant and tart, hibiscus tea is as visually striking as it is beneficial for health. Known for its deep red color and cranberry-like flavor, this herbal tea is made from the dried parts of the hibiscus plant.

12 Awesome Floral Teas: Beauty, Fragrance & Benefits! (2)

    Hibiscus tea is not only a popular choice for its taste but also for its impressive array of health benefits, making it a favorite in my daily rotation, especially as a refreshing iced beverage.

    Health Benefits:

    • Blood Pressure Management: Hibiscus tea is highly regarded for its ability to help lower blood pressure. Regular consumption can significantly reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels, making it an excellent natural remedy for those managing hypertension.
    • Rich in Antioxidants: The deep red color comes from powerful antioxidants, including anthocyanins. These compounds help fight free radicals, reducing oxidative stress and lowering the risk of chronic disease.
    • Liver Health: Hibiscus helps to promote liver health by increasing detoxifying enzymes and reducing liver steatosis, or fat buildup in the liver.

    Sinple Recipes for Both Hot and Iced Hibiscus Tea:

    • Hot Hibiscus Tea:
      • Ingredients: 1-2 teaspoons of dried hibiscus flowers, 1 cup of boiling water.
      • Preparation: Steep the hibiscus flowers in boiling water for 5-10 minutes, depending on your taste preference for strength. The longer it steeps, the more intense the flavor and health benefits.
      • Serving: Strain the tea into a cup and sweeten with honey or sugar if desired. A slice of lemon can also enhance the flavor and add a vitamin C boost.
    • Iced Hibiscus Tea:
      • Ingredients: 1/4 cup of dried hibiscus flowers, 4 cups of cold water.
      • Preparation: Combine the hibiscus flowers and cold water in a pitcher and refrigerate for 8-12 hours to allow for a cold infusion, which helps to draw out the flavors without heat.
      • Serving: Strain out the flowers, and serve over ice with a splash of sparkling water for a refreshing summer drink. Garnish with a sprig of mint or a slice of lime for an extra zesty touch.

    If you want to learn more about preparing hibiscus tea read my guide with 3 Stunning Hibiscus Tea Recipes!

    2. Jasmine: The Fragrant Enhancer

    Jasmine tea, with its intoxicating aroma and subtly sweet taste, holds a special place in my tea cabinet and my heart. This floral delight is a feast for the senses and has several health benefits.

    12 Awesome Floral Teas: Beauty, Fragrance & Benefits! (3)

    Traditionally, jasmine tea starts with a base of green or white tea leaves that are then scented with the aroma of jasmine blossoms, capturing their essence in a perfect marriage of flavor and fragrance.

    Health Benefits:

    • Stress Reduction: The natural aroma of jasmine is known to have a soothing effect on the nervous system, helping to alleviate stress and anxiety. The very act of inhaling its sweet fragrance can trigger a parasympathetic response, which helps to release chemicals that calm nerves and promote relaxation.
    • Antioxidant Properties: Like its base teas, jasmine tea is rich in antioxidants. These can help combat free radical damage, reducing oxidative stress and promoting overall health.
    • Improved Heart Health: Regular consumption of jasmine tea may contribute to improved cardiovascular health. Its potential to reduce LDL cholesterol levels and increase HDL cholesterol can help prevent diseases related to the heart and arteries.

    Tips on How to Brew and Blend Jasmine Tea for Optimal Flavor:

    • Water Temperature: For jasmine green tea, heat the water to just before boiling (around 175-180°F). For jasmine white tea, keep the temperature around 160-170°F.
    • Quantity and Steeping: Use about one teaspoon of loose-leaf jasmine tea per cup. Steep for about 2-3 minutes for green tea and up to 4 minutes for white tea to fully develop the flavors without turning bitter.
    • Blending Tips: Jasmine tea can be enjoyed on its own or blended with other flavors. A touch of lemon or mint can enhance its refreshingly floral bouquet, while mixing it with rose petals can create a more complex floral experience.

    3. Rose Petal Tea: Elegance in a Cup

    Rose tea, crafted from the fragrant petals of the rose bush, embodies elegance and grace in every sip. This floral beverage is also a powerful tonic loaded with health-promoting nutrients.

    12 Awesome Floral Teas: Beauty, Fragrance & Benefits! (4)

    Health Benefits:

    • Skin Health: Rose tea is rich in antioxidants and vitamins, especially Vitamin C, which are essential for collagen production and skin rejuvenation. Regular consumption can help maintain youthful skin, reducing wrinkles and enhancing skin’s natural glow.
    • Emotional Wellbeing: The natural aroma of rose is known for its mood-enhancing properties. Drinking rose tea can alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression, promoting a sense of well-being and relaxation.
    • Digestive Aid: Rose tea has a mild laxative effect and helps to ensure smooth digestion. It can also work to soothe the stomach lining and reduce inflammation in the digestive tract, making it a gentle remedy for upset stomachs.

    How to Create and Enjoy Rose Petal Tea:

    • Ingredients:
      • Dried rose petals: 1-2 teaspoons (make sure they are culinary grade and pesticide-free)
      • Boiling water: 1 cup
    • Preparation:
      • Place the dried rose petals in a tea infuser or directly in a teapot.
      • Pour boiling water over the petals and allow them to steep for 5-7 minutes. The water will take on a subtly pink hue as the petals infuse.
      • Strain the petals from the water if they were added directly to the pot.
    • Serving:
      • Serve the tea in a clear glass to enjoy its beautiful color.
      • Enhance the flavor with a touch of honey or a slice of lemon if desired. Both add a nice contrast to the mild floral notes of the rose.

    4. Butterfly Pea Flower: The Color Changing Marvel

    Butterfly pea flower tea, made from the vibrant blue petals of the cl*toria ternatea plant, is a visual delight and a health powerhouse.

    12 Awesome Floral Teas: Beauty, Fragrance & Benefits! (5)

    Native to Southeast Asia, this striking blue tea is known for its stunning color and its ability to change hues with a splash of lemon juice, turning from deep blue to a rich purple. This magical transformation is as enchanting to watch as the tea is beneficial to drink.

    Health Benefits:

    • Rich in Antioxidants: Butterfly pea flower is loaded with anthocyanins, the same antioxidants that give blueberries their health benefits. These compounds help combat oxidative stress and can enhance overall vitality.
    • Enhances Cognitive Function: Studies suggest that butterfly pea flower can improve brain function and memory by boosting acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter important for brain health and memory.
    • Mood Enhancer: The vibrant blue color of butterfly pea tea is believed to have a calming effect on the mind, and its adaptogenic properties help reduce stress and anxiety.

    Creative Recipes for Making Vibrant and Healthful Butterfly Pea Flower Beverages:

    • Classic Butterfly Pea Flower Tea:
      • Ingredients:
        • Dried butterfly pea flowers: 10-12 flowers
        • Hot water: 1 cup
      • Preparation:
        • Steep the butterfly pea flowers in hot water for about 5-7 minutes until the water turns a deep blue.
      • Serving:
        • Enjoy the tea as is, or add a squeeze of lemon juice to see the color change to purple, enhancing the drinking experience with a bit of natural magic.
    • Butterfly Pea Flower Lemonade:
      • Ingredients:
        • Dried butterfly pea flowers: 10-12 flowers
        • Fresh lemon juice: from 1 lemon
        • Water: 4 cups
        • Honey or sweetener to taste
      • Preparation:
        • Brew the butterfly pea flowers in 1 cup of hot water, then let it cool.
        • In a pitcher, mix the brewed tea, lemon juice, and additional 3 cups of cold water.
        • Sweeten with honey or your choice of sweetener.
      • Serving:
        • Serve over ice for a refreshing and visually stunning summer beverage. Watch as the lemon juice changes the tea’s color, delighting your guests and family.

    5. Violet Tea: The Delicate Detoxifier

    Violet tea, made from the tender petals of the violet flower, is a delicate and subtly fragrant brew that offers more than just its pleasing aesthetics.

    12 Awesome Floral Teas: Beauty, Fragrance & Benefits! (6)

    Renowned for its gentle floral taste and soothing properties, violet tea is a less common but highly beneficial herbal tea that serves as a wonderful detoxifier and immune system booster.

    Health Benefits:

    • Detoxification Properties: Violet tea is rich in antioxidants that help cleanse the body of toxins and impurities. Its mild diuretic properties also support the detox process by promoting urine production, helping to flush out toxins more efficiently.
    • Respiratory Health: Traditionally used to treat various respiratory ailments, violet tea can help alleviate symptoms of colds, such as congestion and coughing, by its natural expectorant properties.
    • Skin Health: The anti-inflammatory effects of violet tea are excellent for skin care. Drinking violet tea can help improve skin conditions by reducing inflammation, and topical application can soothe and hydrate irritated skin.

    Brewing Techniques to Preserve the Delicate Essence of Violet Flowers:

    • Ingredients:
      • Fresh or dried violet flowers: 1-2 teaspoons
      • Hot water (just below boiling): 1 cup
    • Preparation:
      • If using fresh violets, gently rinse the flowers to remove any dirt or small insects.
      • Place the violet flowers in a tea infuser or directly in a teapot.
      • Pour hot water that’s just short of boiling over the flowers to avoid degrading the delicate oils and aromas.
      • Let the tea steep for about 3-5 minutes, depending on your flavor preference.
    • Serving:
      • Strain the flowers and pour the tea into a delicate glass or porcelain cup to enjoy the visual beauty along with the taste.
      • Violet tea can be sweetened with a little honey or can be enhanced with a slice of lemon, which adds a refreshing twist and brings out the floral notes more vividly.

    6. Marigold (Calendula): The Healing Infusion

    Marigold, or calendula, is renowned not just for its vibrant golden blooms but also for its extensive healing properties.

    12 Awesome Floral Teas: Beauty, Fragrance & Benefits! (7)

    This cheerful flower makes a soothing tea that’s both a feast for the eyes and a boon for the body, especially when it comes to skin health and immune support.

    Health Benefits:

    • Promotes Skin Healing: Calendula is highly regarded for its ability to promote the healing of wounds and enhance skin health. Its anti-inflammatory properties help soothe cuts, burns, and other skin irritations.
    • Boosts Immune Function: The high content of flavonoids and other antioxidant compounds in calendula enhances the body’s ability to fight off infections and protects against oxidative stress.
    • Supports Digestive Health: Drinking calendula tea can help relieve symptoms of indigestion and inflammatory bowel conditions. Its ability to calm the mucous membranes of the gut makes it a gentle and effective digestive aid.

    How to Prepare Marigold Tea Using Fresh or Dried Flowers:

    • Ingredients:
      • Fresh or dried calendula (marigold) petals: 1-2 teaspoons
      • Boiling water: 1 cup
    • Preparation:
      • Place the calendula petals in a tea infuser or directly in a teapot.
      • Pour boiling water over the petals and allow them to steep for about 10 minutes. This long steeping time helps to extract the full range of healing compounds from the petals.
    • Serving:
      • Strain the tea into your favorite cup. The resulting infusion should have a beautiful golden color.
      • Optionally, you can add honey or a slice of lemon to enhance the flavor and add further health benefits.

    7. Chamomile: The Soothing Bloom

    Chamomile tea, a staple in any tea lover’s collection, is more than just a bedtime accompaniment; it’s a gentle giant in the realm of herbal remedies.

    12 Awesome Floral Teas: Beauty, Fragrance & Benefits! (8)

    Well-known for its calming effects, this delicate flower brew has been a go-to for centuries, soothing restless minds and weary bodies alike. My personal journey with chamomile began many years ago, and it remains a trusted ally in my quest for tranquility and relaxation.

    Health Benefits:

    • Calming Agent: Chamomile is most celebrated for its ability to soothe the nervous system. This makes it an excellent choice for easing into a peaceful night’s sleep or winding down after a stressful day. The magic lies in its compound called apigenin, which binds to specific receptors in the brain that diminish anxiety and initiate sleep.
    • Digestive Relief: Beyond its calming prowess, chamomile is effective in soothing stomach aches and other digestive ailments. Whether it’s bloating, indigestion, or nausea, a cup of chamomile tea can help relax the muscles of the digestive tract, promoting smooth digestion.
    • Anti-inflammatory Properties: The anti-inflammatory effects of chamomile are beneficial for reducing skin irritations and minor inflammations. It’s not uncommon to use cooled chamomile tea as a compress for soothing irritated skin.

    Brewing the Perfect Cup of Chamomile Tea:

    • Tea Quantity: Use about one tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers per cup of water. If you prefer tea bags, one per cup will suffice.
    • Steeping Time: Allow the chamomile to steep for about 5 minutes. Covering the cup or teapot while it steeps will help trap the steam and increase the infusion of chamomile’s oils into the water.
    • Enhancements: While chamomile tea is wonderfully soothing on its own, feel free to add honey, a slice of lemon, or even a sprig of mint to enhance its flavor profile and add to its soothing effects.

    I recommend using high-quality, organic, ingredients for the best result. You can find the top chamomile tea brands in this guide.

    8. Lavender: The Relaxation Herb

    Lavender tea, brewed from the fragrant purple buds of the lavender plant, is a cherished herbal remedy known for its profound calming effects.

    12 Awesome Floral Teas: Beauty, Fragrance & Benefits! (9)

    As a staple in my relaxation practices, this tea not only enchants with its distinctive floral aroma but also offers significant health benefits, especially in promoting relaxation and peaceful sleep.

    Health Benefits:

    • Stress and Anxiety Reduction: Lavender is widely recognized for its natural sedative properties. Drinking lavender tea helps reduce stress, alleviate anxiety, and decrease mental fatigue. This makes it an excellent choice for unwinding after a long day or preparing for a restful night’s sleep.
    • Sleep Enhancement: The soothing qualities of lavender aid in combating insomnia and improving sleep quality. Its gentle sedative effects can help you fall asleep faster and enjoy a deeper, more restorative sleep.
    • Anti-inflammatory Properties: Lavender tea can also help reduce inflammation and relieve pain associated with conditions like headaches, sprains, and sore muscles, further enhancing its calming effects.

    Guidance on Blending Lavender with Other Herbs for a Tranquil Tea Experience:

    • Ingredients:
      • Dried lavender buds: 1 teaspoon
      • Optional complementary herbs: chamomile or mint
      • Boiling water: 1 cup
    • Preparation:
      • If using, mix the lavender buds with chamomile or mint to create a harmonious blend. Each herb adds its unique properties, enhancing the overall soothing effects.
      • Place the herbal mixture in a tea infuser or directly in a teapot.
      • Pour boiling water over the herbs and allow to steep for 5-10 minutes. The steeping time lets the herbs fully release their oils and flavors.
    • Serving:
      • Strain the tea into a cup, removing the herbs.
      • You might add a touch of honey or a slice of lemon to balance the floral taste with sweetness or a tangy note.

    9. Elderflower: The Immune Booster

    Elderflower tea, made from the delicate blossoms of the elder tree, offers a subtly sweet and floral taste that is as delightful to the senses as it is beneficial to health.

    12 Awesome Floral Teas: Beauty, Fragrance & Benefits! (10)

    This herbal infusion has long been cherished in traditional medicine across Europe for its immune-boosting properties and its ability to alleviate cold and flu symptoms.

    Health Benefits:

    • Immune System Support: Elderflower is rich in vitamins and antioxidants, which are crucial for strengthening the immune system. Regular consumption can help ward off and alleviate symptoms of common colds and flu.
    • Anti-inflammatory Effects: The anti-inflammatory properties of elderflower help reduce pain and swelling, making it an effective remedy for sinus infections and other respiratory issues.
    • Detoxification: Elderflower has diuretic properties that promote detoxification by increasing urine production and sweating. This not only helps cleanse the body of toxins but also improves kidney function.

    Simple Elderflower Tea Recipes for Year-Round Wellness:

    • Hot Elderflower Tea:
      • Ingredients:
        • Dried elderflowers: 1-2 teaspoons
        • Boiling water: 1 cup
      • Preparation:
        • Place the elderflowers in a tea infuser or directly in a teapot.
        • Pour boiling water over the elderflowers and let steep for 5-7 minutes.
      • Serving:
        • Strain the tea into a cup. Optionally, sweeten with honey or enhance with a slice of lemon, which adds vitamin C for an extra immune boost.
    • Iced Elderflower Tea:
      • Ingredients:
        • Dried elderflowers: 1/4 cup
        • Cold water: 4 cups
      • Preparation:
        • Combine the elderflowers and cold water in a pitcher.
        • Cover and let infuse in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours to gently extract the flavors.
      • Serving:
        • Strain the infusion, discarding the flowers. Serve the tea over ice, garnished with lemon slices or fresh mint for a refreshing summer drink.

    10. Cornflower: The Bold Blue

    Cornflower tea, with its striking blue petals, offers more than just visual appeal. This vibrant bloom is steeped in history and health benefits, making it a fascinating addition to any tea lover’s repertoire.

    12 Awesome Floral Teas: Beauty, Fragrance & Benefits! (11)

    Traditionally used in European folk medicine, cornflower has a slightly spicy, clove-like flavor that brings a unique twist to herbal tea blends.

    Health Benefits:

    • Anti-inflammatory Properties: Cornflower is known for its natural anti-inflammatory effects, which can help alleviate water retention and soothe irritated skin conditions.
    • Supports Eye Health: Rich in antioxidant compounds, particularly those that benefit eye health, cornflower can help protect against the strain and damage caused by free radicals.
    • Digestive Aid: The mild astringency of cornflower makes it effective in treating various digestive issues, helping to ease an upset stomach and improve digestion.

    Mixing Cornflower with Other Teas for a Visually Stunning and Healthful Drink:

    • Ingredients:
      • Dried cornflower petals: 1 teaspoon
      • Your choice of base tea (green, black, or herbal): 1 teaspoon
      • Boiling water: 1 cup
    • Preparation:
      • Mix the dried cornflower petals with your chosen base tea. Green tea or chamomile are excellent options as they complement the mild flavor of cornflower without overpowering it.
      • Place the blend in a tea infuser or directly in a teapot.
      • Pour hot water over the tea blend and allow it to steep for 3-5 minutes, depending on the base tea’s required steeping time.
    • Serving:
      • Strain the tea into a clear glass to fully appreciate the color and beauty of the infusion.
      • Enjoy as is, or sweeten with a little honey to enhance the natural flavors of the blend.

    11. Safflower Tea: The Cholesterol Fighter

    Safflower tea, derived from the colorful petals of the Carthamus tinctorius plant, offers a unique herbal remedy with a distinct, slightly spicy flavor.

    12 Awesome Floral Teas: Beauty, Fragrance & Benefits! (12)

    Often overlooked in favor of more traditional teas, safflower boasts a range of health benefits, particularly known for its positive impact on cardiovascular health.

    Health Benefits:

    • Cholesterol Management: Safflower tea is celebrated for its ability to help regulate cholesterol levels. It contains compounds that can reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol while promoting the production of HDL (good) cholesterol, supporting overall heart health.
    • Blood Sugar Regulation: Regular consumption of safflower tea can aid in stabilizing blood sugar levels, making it a beneficial drink for those managing diabetes or prediabetes.
    • Anti-inflammatory Properties: The anti-inflammatory effects of safflower can help reduce pain and swelling, particularly in conditions such as arthritis. This makes it a valuable addition to a diet aimed at reducing chronic inflammation.

    Preparing Safflower Tea to Integrate into a Heart-Healthy Diet:

    • Ingredients:
      • Dried safflower petals: 1-2 teaspoons
      • Boiling water: 1 cup
    • Preparation:
      • Place the dried safflower petals in a tea infuser or directly in a teapot.
      • Pour boiling water over the petals and allow them to steep for about 5 minutes. The longer you steep, the stronger and more potent the tea will be.
    • Serving:
      • Strain the infusion into a cup. Safflower tea has a unique flavor that can be enjoyed on its own, or you can add a little honey or a slice of lemon to enhance its natural flavors.

    12. Lotus Tea: The Spiritual Bloom

    Lotus tea, brewed from the leaves, petals, and stamens of the sacred lotus plant, carries a significance that transcends its physical benefits.

    12 Awesome Floral Teas: Beauty, Fragrance & Benefits! (13)

    Revered in various cultures for its spiritual symbolism, lotus tea brings a unique blend of tranquility and rejuvenation to those who drink it. Its mild, slightly sweet taste makes it a pleasant and soothing choice for tea enthusiasts looking to add a meditative element to their tea ritual.

    Health Benefits:

    • Stress Relief and Mental Clarity: Drinking lotus tea can help soothe the mind, reducing symptoms of anxiety and stress. The compounds found in lotus leaves encourage a state of relaxation while enhancing mental clarity and focus, making it an ideal beverage for meditation or spiritual practice.
    • Digestive Health: Lotus tea has natural astringent properties that can help regulate the digestive system and relieve symptoms of diarrhea and bloating.
    • Cardiovascular Benefits: The antioxidants and compounds in lotus tea support heart health by improving circulation and helping to regulate blood pressure.

    Guidelines for Brewing Lotus Tea to Maximize Its Tranquil Effects:

    • Ingredients:
      • Dried lotus leaves, petals, or stamens: 1-2 teaspoons
      • Boiling water: 1 cup
    • Preparation:
      • Place the dried lotus parts in a tea infuser or directly in a teapot.
      • Pour boiling water over the lotus and allow it to steep for 5-7 minutes. This steeping time extracts the subtle flavors and beneficial properties effectively.
    • Serving:
      • Strain the tea into a cup. Lotus tea’s flavor is delicate and naturally sweet, but you can enhance it with a bit of honey or a few drops of lemon juice if desired.

    Creating Your Own Floral Tea Blends

    Crafting your own floral tea blends is not only a creative and enjoyable endeavor but also an excellent way to personalize your tea experience to suit your taste preferences and health needs.

    Blending different floral teas together can enhance both their flavors and therapeutic benefits, offering a unique beverage that is as delightful to sip as it is beautiful to behold.

    Guidelines for Successful Tea Blending:

    1. Start with a Base (optional): Choose a base tea that complements floral notes well. White or green teas are excellent choices as they have subtle flavors that don’t overpower the delicate nuances of floral petals. Of course, you can leave this part out and only use herbal ingredients!
    2. Pick Your Floral Elements: Select flowers that blend well together. For example, lavender and chamomile are both calming, while rose and hibiscus offer a more vibrant flavor and color. Consider the properties of each flower, such as their effects on mood, digestion, or sleep.
    3. Consider Proportions: Balance is key in tea blending. Start with a higher proportion of base tea and add floral components in smaller amounts. You can adjust the ratios based on your flavor preferences and the strength of the floral aromas.

    Steps to Create Your Own Blend:

    • Ingredients:
      • Choose 1-2 teaspoons of a base tea, like green or white tea.
      • Select complementary flowers, such as rose petals, lavender buds, or jasmine flowers.
      • Optional: Add herbs or spices like mint, cinnamon, or lemon balm for additional complexity and health benefits.
    • Preparation:
      • Blend the base tea with your chosen flowers and optional herbs in a bowl. Mix gently to combine.
      • Store your blend in an airtight container away from light and moisture to preserve its freshness and aromatic qualities.
    • Brewing Your Blend:
      • Measure about one teaspoon of your tea blend per cup.
      • Heat water to the appropriate temperature for your base tea (typically 175-185°F for green tea, 185-195°F for white tea).
      • Steep for 2-3 minutes or according to taste preference, then strain and enjoy.

    Tips for Enjoying Your Custom Blends:

    • Taste Testing: Experiment with small batches to refine the blend before making larger quantities.
    • Note-Taking: Keep notes on the proportions and ingredients used in each blend, as well as your impressions of the taste. This can help you tweak your recipes to perfection.
    • Health Considerations: Tailor your tea blends to address specific health concerns. For example, a mix of chamomile, lavender, and rose can be excellent for stress relief and relaxation.

    Creating your own floral tea blends allows you to express creativity and develop a deeper connection to your tea drinking ritual. Each cup becomes a personal expression of your taste and a reflection of your wellness goals.

    So enjoy the process of discovery and the pleasure of drinking something truly your own!

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    12 Awesome Floral Teas: Beauty, Fragrance & Benefits! (2024)
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    Author: Arline Emard IV

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    Name: Arline Emard IV

    Birthday: 1996-07-10

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    Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.