Homemade Salmon Cat Treats Recipe: Flavors of Love (2024)

Last Updated: 3 months ago

If you want to try your hand at making your own kitty treats, our salmon cat treats recipe is a great place to start!

With only four ingredients, they’re simple enough for even the most novice cook to pull off!

Plus, they’re better for your cat than most store-bought goodies that are loaded with preservatives!

We’ll see how to make them in a moment, but first, let’s talk about why you’d want to go through the trouble.

If you want to try your hand at making your own kitty treats, our salmon cat treat recipe is a great place to start!

  • Why make your own cat treats?
  • Homemade Salmon Cat Treats Recipe
    • Ingredients
    • Directions
  • Alternative Ingredients for Your Homemade Cat Treats
    • 1. Salmon Alternatives
    • 2. Alternatives for wheat flour
    • 3. Egg alternatives
    • 4. Alternatives for the water
  • Wrap-Up

Why make your own cat treats?

Homemade Salmon Cat Treats Recipe: Flavors of Love (1)

Let’s be honest: making cat treats is a whole lot more challenging than whipping up goodies for Fido.

It’s a lot easier to just spend $1.50 on a bag of treats from the store versus spending $10 on ingredients for DIY goodies, right? Yes, it is.

However, keep two things in mind: that $10 on ingredients will last you a lot longer than that $1.50 bag of treats, and homemade cat treats are just plain better for your kitty.

Let’s look at some of the ingredients in my cats’ favorite salmon treats (I’m not naming names because I’m not here to shame any brand, and my cats do love their stuff as occasional treats).

At the top of the list, we have chicken by-product meal, grown corn, the oh-so-mysterious “animal fat,” dried meat by-product, brewers rice, and about 22 other ingredients before we even see the word “salmon” mentioned.

When it does finally appear, it’s a “natural salmon flavor.” In a salmon cat treat, you’d expect to see it a little further up the list and show up as more than just some flavoring.

To be fair, the brand does call it “salmon flavor,” so they’re not being sneaky here.

When you see that word on a treat (or any food), it basically means that they’ve found a way to recreate the flavor that may or may not actually involve the actual food.

Long story short, if you want to give your cats more wholesome and simple treats, you’ll either have to make them yourself or buy upscale treats that will cost a whole lot more than $1.50 a bag!

Now that you know why you’d want to make homemade cat food recipes, let’s find out how to do it!

Homemade Salmon Cat Treats Recipe

Homemade Salmon Cat Treats Recipe: Flavors of Love (2)

All of the ingredients in our homemade salmon cat treats can be easily found at your favorite grocery store.

If your cat doesn’t love any of them, though, stay tuned after the recipe for tips on swapping out any or all ingredients.


  • 12 Ounces Canned Salmon
  • 2 Cups Whole Wheat Flour
  • ⅓ Cup Water
  • 1 Egg


  1. In a food processor, add the egg and salmon. Mix until there are no chunks.
  2. In a large bowl, combine all the ingredients and mix well.
  3. Switch to using your hands and knead the dough into a ball.
  4. Place the dough on a floured surface and use a rolling pin to reach about ¼ inch thickness.
  5. Use an oil-based cooking spray to coat a cookie sheet.
  6. Cut out treats using a ¾ inch or ½ inch cookie cutter.
  7. Place on a sheet and bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes or until hard.
  8. Allow it to cool before giving it to your cat.

Cutting your dough into tiny treats is by far the hardest part of the process. Everything else is proverbial cake.

The best part? You can totally alter this recipe to make other types of cat treats. Let’s look at a few alternatives for the main ingredients.

Alternative Ingredients for Your Homemade Cat Treats

Homemade Salmon Cat Treats Recipe: Flavors of Love (3)

Every ingredient in our salmon cat treat recipe can be swapped out for another. Yep, even the water!

Let’s break it down by ingredient and check out some other things you can use. All of these alternatives are human-made foods that are safe for cats.

1. Salmon Alternatives

If your cat doesn’t go nuts for salmon, try using:

  • Mercury-free canned tuna
  • Canned chicken (like the kind you use for quickie chicken salad)
  • Ground turkey
  • Pumpkin, banana, or even blueberries!
  • Canned cat food (a great option if you have a cat on a special diet)

Just keep in mind that while canned tuna, chicken, and cat food can be fairly easily swapped, you may need to adjust the water and flour for the other alternatives.

Add a little more of each until you find the perfect ingredient ratio that lets you roll it all up into a ball, then flatten it out.

2. Alternatives for wheat flour

For cats with sensitive stomachs or wheat allergies, you can use oatmeal or coconut flour.

Apparently, there’s even such a thing as banana flour (cats can eat bananas).

I don’t know how easy it is to work with, though.

3. Egg alternatives

Swapping out the egg is a bit tricky since it’s what basically holds the whole shebang together.

Unsweetened apple sauce is pretty much the only real alternative that I can come up with.

Honestly, unless the kitty is allergic, you’re better off sticking with the egg.

4. Alternatives for the water

The water in our recipe really only has one alternative: broth.

If you want to add flavor (or just have cruddy water and/or a lot of leftover broth from your own dinner), go for it. Otherwise, water is the easiest.

Really, the only ingredient that I would swap out on occasion is the salmon. That way, I can use the same base recipe to make a bunch of different flavors.


As we conclude our flavorful journey into the world of salmon cat treats, savor the joy of pampering your feline friend.

With these tasty delights, you’ve not only indulged their taste buds but also added a dash of nutritional goodness.

Treat your cat to the best—because they deserve it!

How about you? Would you keep our homemade salmon cat treats recipe as is or swap out some ingredients? Share below!


Homemade Salmon Cat Treats Recipe: Flavors of Love (4)
Homemade Salmon Cat Treats Recipe: Flavors of Love (5)

Nicole Etolen

Nicole is one of the writers here on CatVills. She’s been a cat lover most of her life and-at one point- counted five felines as part of her family. Today, she’s proud cat mom to two indoor kitties and caregiver for a slew of ferals.

  1. Homemade Salmon Cat Treats Recipe: Flavors of Love (7)

    Amber Myerson August 29, 2019 at 6:01 pm

    I can almost bet my cats would love these treats. They love to eat, after all 😉


  2. Homemade Salmon Cat Treats Recipe: Flavors of Love (8)

    Marcie W.on August 29, 2019 at 6:04 pm

    Homemade cat treats sound like a great idea. You just never know what type of chemicals are in most store bought varieties.


    • Homemade Salmon Cat Treats Recipe: Flavors of Love (9)

      Elviraon July 1, 2020 at 2:37 am

      Do they need to be refrigerated? How long are they good for?


  3. Homemade Salmon Cat Treats Recipe: Flavors of Love (10)

    Ashleyon August 29, 2019 at 6:11 pm

    My older cat loves treats. I need to make these for him he would be so happy.


    • Homemade Salmon Cat Treats Recipe: Flavors of Love (11)

      Annette Ealyon December 12, 2019 at 7:21 pm

      Since there is meat in them, do you need to refergerate them and freeze after a few days?


  4. Homemade Salmon Cat Treats Recipe: Flavors of Love (12)

    Tammyon August 29, 2019 at 8:45 pm

    My cat would love these!! I’ve never thought about making him his own treats. Thanks for sharing.


  5. Homemade Salmon Cat Treats Recipe: Flavors of Love (13)

    Terri Steffeson August 29, 2019 at 9:38 pm

    When Bustopher was alive, he was very picky about his treats. He preferred homemade and definitely wanted it broken up in his bowl, with a little chicken broth on top. 🙂


  6. Homemade Salmon Cat Treats Recipe: Flavors of Love (14)

    Marysaon August 29, 2019 at 10:26 pm

    What a neat idea. I never thought to make my own cat treats. Our cats have sensitive stomachs, and it would be good to know just what we are putting in their food.


    • Homemade Salmon Cat Treats Recipe: Flavors of Love (15)

      gabbyon June 20, 2020 at 7:07 pm

      yes i have an older cat so her stomache is kinda weak but she LOVES treats so i will decinently try these ☺️


  7. Homemade Salmon Cat Treats Recipe: Flavors of Love (16)

    Ice Cream n Sticky Fingerson August 29, 2019 at 11:03 pm

    Most treats made for animals are unhealthy and filled with garbage ingredients so I personally don’t get my animals treats. I usually use a piece of food as a treat and my pup doesn’t seem to notice but then again, he rather have cheese as a treat. I have to use cheese when he needs to take medication for allergies or acid reflux.

    Homemade treats are so much better for your animals. Plus, you know that they are getting treats that are made with wholesome ingredients and know that you are not feeding them garbage (junk food).


  8. Homemade Salmon Cat Treats Recipe: Flavors of Love (17)

    Jhenteaon August 30, 2019 at 6:44 am

    Oh wow! This is really great! My cat would love this kind of treat! Can’t wait to try this


  9. Homemade Salmon Cat Treats Recipe: Flavors of Love (18)

    Ruth Ion August 30, 2019 at 9:11 am

    Oh what a fab idea! I will pass this to my friends who owns cat. They will surely find this lovely!


  10. Homemade Salmon Cat Treats Recipe: Flavors of Love (19)

    Tasheenaon August 30, 2019 at 11:11 am

    I would have never thought to make homemade cat treats. This would be perfect to make for my fur niece.


    • Homemade Salmon Cat Treats Recipe: Flavors of Love (20)

      Alexandra Trujilloon December 15, 2019 at 12:46 am

      I’m making these for Christmas! I have a question though, how do you store them and how long do they last before going bad?


      • Homemade Salmon Cat Treats Recipe: Flavors of Love (21)

        Olfa Ton December 17, 2019 at 4:52 pm

        Store them in an airtight container in a dry cool place or even the fridge. They last up to a week outside the fridge and two weeks in the fridge.


        • Homemade Salmon Cat Treats Recipe: Flavors of Love (22)

          Pierrette Fexon May 4, 2021 at 8:46 am

          Bonjour les gâteries peuvent t’ils se congeler ?


      • Homemade Salmon Cat Treats Recipe: Flavors of Love (23)

        Naomi Scotton January 14, 2021 at 1:06 pm

        Great gift idea for cat lovers.


  11. Homemade Salmon Cat Treats Recipe: Flavors of Love (24)

    Shannon Gurneeon August 30, 2019 at 11:51 pm

    We have some neighborhood cats that we feed. I bet they would be all over these treats!


  12. Homemade Salmon Cat Treats Recipe: Flavors of Love (25)

    Rachelon January 4, 2020 at 11:11 am

    Roughly how much does this make? Weight or quantity of treat would be most helpful.. thank you!


    • Homemade Salmon Cat Treats Recipe: Flavors of Love (26)

      Naomi Scotton January 14, 2021 at 2:36 pm

      My cats love these. I add a bit (relative) of catnip to this recipe. Can never go wrong with adding herbs to the treats.


  13. Homemade Salmon Cat Treats Recipe: Flavors of Love (27)

    Jackieon May 1, 2020 at 7:27 pm

    Could this be done with chicken instead of salmon?


    • Homemade Salmon Cat Treats Recipe: Flavors of Love (28)

      Naomi Scotton January 14, 2021 at 1:08 pm

      Si. Check out the whole article. Alternatives.


  14. Homemade Salmon Cat Treats Recipe: Flavors of Love (29)

    KHEMRAJon June 13, 2020 at 2:27 am

    Really great recipe, I will try for my cat.


  15. Homemade Salmon Cat Treats Recipe: Flavors of Love (30)

    Linda Sealson June 14, 2022 at 7:15 am

    Can these treats freeze or does it change there texture? Do you change the pumpkin for the meat or 1/2& 1/2?


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Homemade Salmon Cat Treats Recipe: Flavors of Love (2024)


What do they put in cat treats that cats love? ›

Flavor enhancers make cats love cat treats. Ingredients like poultry fat, animal digest, and other mystery meats make the dry treats more palatable. The high amount of carbs also messes with the cat's system. Carbs turn into sugar during the cooking process of kibble and treats.

Can you dehydrate salmon as cat treats? ›

Freeze your salmon for 1 hour to make it firm enough to cut easily. Cut the filet into thin, uniform slices to ensure that they will dehydrate fully and at the same speed. If you are making these treats for a cat, make sure to cut the salmon into smaller 'bite-sized' pieces.

What makes cats love treats so much? ›

The cats are quite sensitive to the smell of the food they are eating, so the treats have this amazing smell that tempts the cats to eat the treats, and also the texture.

Why do cat treats taste better than cat food? ›

Commercial cat treats are often packed with flavor enhancers. They also often have a strong smell, which increases their appeal to many cats. Treats are also nutritionally different from cat food.

What flavor do cats like best? ›

Indeed, umami appears to be the primary flavor cats seek out. That's no surprise for an obligate carnivore. But the team also found these cat receptors are uniquely tuned to molecules found at high concentrations in tuna, revealing why our feline friends seem to prefer this delicacy over all others.

What food is irresistible to cats? ›

Chicken is usually cats' and kittens' favourite food. They're also fans of turkey, beef, lamb and even duck. Feeding cats fruits, vegetables, grains, or other fillers won't give them the nutrition they need. And many of these foods are hard for their bodies to digest.

Can cats eat homemade salmon? ›

The best overall way to feed your cat salmon is not raw or smoked or brined, but cooked — fully. Whether you poach it, grill it, bake it or pan-fry it, cooked salmon is ideal for your cat's health. Just be sure not to add any extra seasonings or salt and serve the salmon to your cat plain and only once it's cooled.

Do cats prefer chicken or salmon dry food? ›

Think about what human food your cat likes and try dry cat foods that have them in it. For example, many cats enjoy the taste of fish, so look for brands that contain salmon, tuna, or other types of fish. Some cats also enjoy the taste of poultry, such as chicken or turkey.

Are salmon treats good for cats? ›

Wildside Salmon Freeze Dried Cat Treats - 3oz is the ultimate treat for your cat. Made from 100% wild-caught salmon, these treats are packed with omega-3 fatty acids and other essential nutrients.

Do cats like you more when you give them treats? ›

However, DeVoss says cats generally gravitate toward people who feed them, play with them, give them tasty treats, and keep their litter box clean.

What do cats love more than anything? ›

The study included pet cats and shelter cats who were given a choice between food, toys, scent and social interaction with humans. While researchers noted variation among cats, the majority of pet cats and shelter cats preferred to interact with people more than anything else.

Can cats live off Dreamies? ›

Cat treats aren't designed to offer your cat complete nutrition, so they should be kept as treats and not as a replacement for their nutritionally balanced cat food. Some of the best cat treats - like DREAMIES™ - are enriched with added vitamins and minerals to support your cat's health.

Do cats have a favorite flavor? ›

Although general cat flavor preferences are known – for example, they tend to enjoy fish, liver and meat flavors in food and treats – this was the first study to examine the acceptance of differently compounded flavors for cat medications.

Can I give my cat treats everyday? ›

There's no rule about how often you can dole them out, as long as you limit treats to 10% of their daily calories. Some owners choose to give one large biscuit each day. Others give a handful of kibble (perhaps 20 or 30 pieces) over the course of the day, one or two pieces at a time. Giving no treats is fine, too.

What cat toys do cats actually use? ›

Popular cat toys include feather wands, laser pointers, interactive puzzles, and balls with bells inside. Feather wands mimic prey and engage cats in play, while laser pointers create a chase game for them. Interactive puzzles stimulate their minds, and balls with bells inside also entertain cats.

Do cat treats make cats happy? ›

Ok, so technically speaking, cats don't need treats in their diet. But neither do we, right? Treats simply make life more fun! And when given in moderation, they're great for helping you build a bond with your cat, rewarding good behaviour, using in training and much more.

Can cats live off of cat treats? ›

Some cats would live on treats if they had their way, but while treats can make their day and yours, moderation is important.

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