Rustic Sausage Potato Soup Recipe • The Prairie Homestead (2024)

19 Comments | Jill Winger | Last Updated: June 13, 2023

Rustic Sausage Potato Soup Recipe • The Prairie Homestead (1)

Oh boy… I have something extra special for you today…

Considering we’re just over a week away from The Prairie Homestead Cookbookfinally hitting shelves (It’s been the works for two years…. aka an eternity) and I’m getting so stinkin’ excited I can barely stand it, I figured it was high-time to share a recipe from the book! Eeeek!

I’ve had a bunch of questions about the cookbook, and in a nutshell, here’s what you can expect:

  • Over 105 of the recipes my family actually eats on a daily basis. These are my tried-and-true standbys!
  • If you’ve been following me for any amount of time at all, you know I’m not fussy or fancy, and this cookbook is no exception! I’ll show you how to use simple, easy-to-find ingredients (no specialty grocery stores here…) and transform them into wholesome, nourishing meals that taste amazing
  • I’ve also included 17 tutorials for making your own pantry staples such as ricotta, cream cheese, herb-infused salts, sourdough starter, sauces, and more
  • Because I can’t help myself when it comes to talking about homesteading, there is an entire section with practical advice and details for starting your own flock of chickens, growing veggies, keeping a dairy animal, and more!
  • I wanted this cookbook to be like we were hanging out together in your kitchen makin’ stuff, so I’ve included tons of troubleshooting tips for homemade broth, butter, pickles, canning, and more. My goal is for this to be your go-to homestead kitchen resources.
  • Joel Salatin wrote the foreword for it, which made me have a total squealing fangirl moment, and I still tear up when I read what he wrote.

The book will hit bookstores everyone on April 2nd, but you can preorder it now to have it delivered right around launch day, and I have a GIANT pack of bonuses to send you, including a free buttermilk starter, ebooks, cooking videos with me, printables, & more.

Click here to see inside the cookbook and check out the bonuses!

Rustic Sausage Potato Soup Recipe • The Prairie Homestead (2)

Now onto the recipe! This is one of my TOP FAVORITE soups of all time. It’s sometimes called Zuppa Tuscana, and it’s savory and creamy and so very satisfying. I make at least twice per month when it’s cold outside. You just gotta promise me you’ll only use really good (preferably homemade!) chicken stock when you make it, because that makes all the difference!

Rustic Sausage Potato Soup Recipe

From The Prairie Homestead Cookbook

  • 1/2 pound bacon
  • 1 pound Italian sausage
  • 1 small onion, diced
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 3 cups chicken stock
  • 6 medium russet potatoes, halved and sliced
  • 1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt (I use this one)
  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes (more to taste)
  • 2 cups chopped and stemmed kale leaves
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • Freshly grated Parmesan cheese, for garnish

In a Dutch oven over medium-high heat, cook the bacon until crispy, about 15 minutes. Remove the bacon, setting it aside on a paper towel to drain and leaving about 2 tablespoons of fat in the pot.

Add the sausage and onion to the pot and brown, about 6 minutes. Add the garlic and cook for 2 to 3 minutes more, until fragrant, then add the stock, potatoes, salt, black pepper, and red pepper flakes. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes, or until the potatoes are tender.

Add the kale and simmer for 3 to 4 minutes, until it is slightly wilted. Taste and adjust the seasonings if needed. Remove from the heat and stir in the heavy cream. Chop the cooled bacon into bits. Ladle the soup into bowls and garnish with cheese and the bacon.

Kitchen Notes

  • If you don’t have Italian sausage on hand, you can quickly make your own using ground pork and add spices like these as you brown the meat.
  • The bacon is optional, I guess. But truly, bacon should never be optional.
  • If you don’t have kale, spinach works too.

Get a Look Inside the Cookbook Here

(After you order, make sure you go over to and input your order/receipt number to get all the bonuses coming your way!)

Rustic Sausage Potato Soup Recipe • The Prairie Homestead (3)

Rustic Sausage Potato Soup Recipe • The Prairie Homestead (4)

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Reader Interactions


    • Rustic Sausage Potato Soup Recipe • The Prairie Homestead (10)Jill Winger says

      Thanks Katie! It should hopefully be available at your local Barnes and Noble 🙂

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  1. Rustic Sausage Potato Soup Recipe • The Prairie Homestead (11)Betty says

    Looking forward to your new cookbook! I pre-ordered on Amazon.

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    • Rustic Sausage Potato Soup Recipe • The Prairie Homestead (12)Jill Winger says

      Thank you Betty! I appreciate your support!

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  2. Rustic Sausage Potato Soup Recipe • The Prairie Homestead (13)Shelly says

    I bought the cooking course so I was e-mailed this recipe. I made it a few nights ago. My husband LOVED it, and my teenage boys gobbled it too. It is a keeper when I can please all three of them….with the same meal. 😉 My only modification will be to cube the potatoes next time instead of leaving them in large chunks.

    I bought the cookbook and especially look forward to trying some of the breakfast dishes. Thanks!

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  3. Rustic Sausage Potato Soup Recipe • The Prairie Homestead (14)Debbie says

    Looking forward to your new book. I’ve already pre-ordered on Amazon!

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    • Rustic Sausage Potato Soup Recipe • The Prairie Homestead (15)Tina Loewen says

      I pre-ordered your recipe book and can’t wait to try out all of your recipes.
      I love Zuppa Toscana and haven’t made it in awhile. I’ll be using your recipe the next time I do.

    • Rustic Sausage Potato Soup Recipe • The Prairie Homestead (16)Tina Loewen says

      I’m sorry. I meant to make a comment bit not as a thread on yours. Oops.

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    • Rustic Sausage Potato Soup Recipe • The Prairie Homestead (17)Tina Loewen says

      I’m sorry. I meant to make a comment but not as a thread here. Oops.

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    • Rustic Sausage Potato Soup Recipe • The Prairie Homestead (18)Brigitte Madrid says

      I made this tonight for my family and it was truly delicious! I whole heartedly agree that bacon should never be optional. ? It really makes the meal! Thank you for posting this recipe and others that have inspired my menu for this week. I hope one day I can purchase your book and have all of these amazing homestead recipes. In the mean time I appreciate that you have made some public on your website (the first homesteading website I ever found). You lit my fire for homegrown food and relit my true passion for cooking for my loved ones! Thank you!

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  4. Rustic Sausage Potato Soup Recipe • The Prairie Homestead (19)Zalmanka says

    Great recipe. In your photo in the recipe just amazing. Waiting for your book coming out to learn more about your culinary secrets.

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  5. Rustic Sausage Potato Soup Recipe • The Prairie Homestead (20)Kaylee says

    Great recipe. In your photo in the recipe just amazing. Waiting for your recipe book coming out to learn more about your culinary secrets.

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  6. Rustic Sausage Potato Soup Recipe • The Prairie Homestead (21)Alyssa says

    Looks so good for crisp fall days!

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  7. Rustic Sausage Potato Soup Recipe • The Prairie Homestead (22)Carole Roller says

    I made the caramel popcorn and it was the best I’ve ever tasted.

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    • Rustic Sausage Potato Soup Recipe • The Prairie Homestead (23)Kayla- Prairie Homestead Assistant says

      Yay! That’s so awesome. It’s a good one, isn’t it? 🙂

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  8. Rustic Sausage Potato Soup Recipe • The Prairie Homestead (24)Betsy says

    I tried this soup recently with potatoes and Kale from our garden. My husband and I loved it.

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    • Rustic Sausage Potato Soup Recipe • The Prairie Homestead (25)Kayla- Prairie Homestead Assistant says

      So glad to hear that, Betsy!

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  9. Rustic Sausage Potato Soup Recipe • The Prairie Homestead (26)Deb says

    Honestly, I tried your cheeseburger soup last week and LOVED it. I’m going to make a variation of it this week. My favorite cheeseburger is a black and blue – black angus and blue cheese with carmelized onions and mushrooms, topped with bacon. My nephew doesn’t eat blue cheese, but the twins do – so we will enjoy that! I love cooking from scratch meals, which I started 30 years ago due to some medical issues. Anything that is prepackaged is full of sodium, so when I needed to reduce sodium to improve my health, I had to cook from ingredients. It became a necessity when I got a divorce with three teenaged boys to feed, and I have continued since then. Today’s soup pot is going with homemade chili. I soaked two cups of a variety of dried beans overnight, and threw everything else together this morning, including two quarts of homecanned crushed roma tomatoes.

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  10. Rustic Sausage Potato Soup Recipe • The Prairie Homestead (27)Moira Simpson says

    Hi. I was wondering if you could make this with mild chorizo sausage? Has anyone tried it? Thanks.

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Rustic Sausage Potato Soup Recipe • The Prairie Homestead (2024)
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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

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Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.