The Age from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (2024)

THE AGE MONDAY I NOVEMBER 1999 CLASSIFIEDS SffliffllilBtfiH Renting Accommodation Business 8 Auction Sales Business 8 Leisure Vehicles Business 8 Tenders i Business 7 Real Estate Commercial Business 8 Employment Business 7-8 Entertainment Today 6 Drive Business 8 Personal Notices Today 7 Real Estate Residential Business 8 Icpota's Trading World Business 8 Other Classifications Today 7, Business 7-8 SALES CENTRE PHONE NUMBERS: General Personals 132 243 All Real Estate 131 473 Icpota's Trading World .131 489 Drive 131 834 Employment 132 367 BOOKING DEADLINES FOR LINE ADS: Saturday Drive 4:30 pm Fri Saturday Employment 8 pm Thu Saturday Entertainment 12 noon Fri Sat Real Estate Commercial 5:30 pm Fri Residential, Renting Accom 8 pm Thu Advertising Terms and Conditions: Terms and Conditions apply to all advertising services supplied by David Syme CoThe Age and its subsidiarity (Tne Age) to advertising clients ('Customers'). A copy of the full Terms and Conditions and the current-Rate Card can be obtained from The Age. A summary of thi key terms is published in the Public Notices section of Saturday's Age. THE AGE CLASSIFIEDS PHONE 132 243 Classifieds Online, RE: ANNIE SNEDDON MACLEOD SULLIVAN deceased deceased fake notice that ROBINA JANETTE Take not I BROWN and RUTH ANNE Corporations Law NOTICE CiP FFTIN fi BUILDING ESTIMATOR read tor mid-sized extension company based In north-west suburbs Computer knowledge a prerequisite (Windows 95. 98 and MS Word) atatiijild nreforritrf hut not essen SUBCONTRACTORS A SUPPLIERS PLEDGER, the Executors named in the Will dated 9 May.

1975 of ANNIE SNEDDON MACLEOD FINE LEA PTY LIMITED FACTORY 1.40 BURGESS ROAD. BAYSWATER NOTICE 15 GIVEN that a meet! no NORTH GEELONG SECONDARY COLLEGE vacancy on going start 91199 10 Met a Iwork Physical tial Honest and hard workers only of trie creditors will be held at Level deceased, late of 44 Stephens Street, Yarravllle, will 14 days after the date of publication ot this advertisem*nt apply to the Supreme Court ol Victoria tor a grant of person. Long term win irdin ngni per: I train right CERTIFICATE'S) of Title VOLUME V0070 FOLIO 337 VOLUME 10070 FOLIO 433 VOLUME 10070 FOLIO 434 having been lost or destroyed it Is Intended after 14 days to cancel the original thereof and Issue a new Cerflflcatetsj of Tltlejn the name's) of CHILDREN AUSTRALIA INC. Amplication No W353B22G. RQSALYN HUNT REGISTRAR OF TITLES O.

JJ: 3C. rsliaa flOM. Me IPO I on the 10th day oi November 1 at 10 30am Take notice that DIANE PATRICIA GREEN of 3 Dower Street. Burwood, Teacher, MARGARET ANNE DEMPSTER of 1 8 Caroline Street Yeppoon. Queensland.

Teacher and JOHN ROBERT SULLIVAN Of 156 Macalister Street, Sale. Victoria. Solicitor the Executors named in the Will dated 17th December. 1984 of JOSEPHINE TERESA SULLIVAN, deceased, late of 3 Dower Street. Burwood.

Victoria. Widow, will 14 days after the date of publication ol this advertisem*nt apply to the Supreme Court of Victoria lor a Grant of Probate ol that Will Sullivan Braham Pty Solicitors. 104 Raymond Street. Sale taucanon run oeiaus on application to Principal Mr R. Jackson 5278 9399.

Closing date 51 199 SANDWICH PERSON Reauired for busy catering com panv In Fitzroy. Must be Interested In latest trends In sandwiches, auic -and organised. Experience essentia: Understanding of Food Safety Plan an advantage. Hours Mon. to.

Fri 7am-3pm. Manager 9417 3822 WAITER ESS read weekend worV annrnv hrc nw mn Lfifh.m. nsuion tor ngnt person arter auaii-ylng period Excellent wages and ondltions. Work with professional and dedicated team. Building know hutinn farilltv tml Street, Foot stray ieuye essential, neaseiax resume RE: SIMON RONALD MASAL deceased TAKE NOTICE that RHONDA ANNE MASAL the mother ol SIMON RONALD MASAL deceased, late of 411 East West Road.

Warragul Victoria, will 14 days alter publication of this advertisem*nt apply to the Supreme Court of Victoria for a Grant of Letters of Administration of the estate of thai deceased, who left no Will DAVINE CO Solicitors ol 5 Smith Jit reel, Warragul RE: SIMONE CATHERINE RICHARDSON deceased TAKE NOTICE that NOEL FRANCIS RICHARDSON the lather of SIMONE CATHERINE RICHARDSON late of 26 Athelstane Drive, Rlngwood North, Victoria, Student, deceased will 14 days alter the publication of this advertisem*nt apply to the Supreme Court of Victoria for a grant of administration of the estate of the deceased upon Intestacy, there being no Will of the deceased ANN GAMBETTA PL. Legal Practitioners. Suite 7, 16-18 jo on J3 1 CUSTOMER duties Kew area 98 18 PEOUTDOOR ED TEACHER LIBRARIAN (0.5) ESLVET TOURISM (0.6) HILLCREST SECONDARY COLLEGE Johnstone St Broadmeadows Applications close 41199 Appli- HER SERVICE PARTS SERVICE SERVICE FORM 529 Australian Company Number 072 258032 Sub-regulation 5 6 12(2) Corporations Law NOTICE OFSECOND MEETING OF CREDITORS MULLICER AIRCRAFT INDUSTRIES PTY LTD (ADMINISTRATOR APPOINTED) NOTICE IS GIVEN that a meeting of the creditors of the company will be held in the meeting room of Sims Lockwood, Level 157 461 Bourke Street. Melbourne on 8th November 1999 at 1 1 00am AGENDA 1 To review the Administrators' report concerning the company business, property, affairs and financial circ*mstances 2 That the creditors consider adjourning the second creditors meeting for a period not exceeding sixty (60) davs 3 For creditors to consider the options available and to resolve either (a) that the company execute a Deed of Company Arrangement, or (0) that the administration should end. or (c) that the company be wound up 4 (a) To approve the Voluntary Administrators' remuneration, and (b) to determine the remuneration ol the Deed Administrator, if one is appointed, or (C) to determine the remuneration of the Liquidator, if one Is an WAITINGBAR STAFF reoulred for a La-Carte restaurant In SE subs Experience In customer service essential Please call on 9562 67 78.

Importdistribution company In the hospitality industry seeks an experienced customer servicestoreperson CERTIFICATEU) of Title Volume 9565 Folio 295 having been lost or destroyed It Is intended after 14 days to cancel the original thereof and issue a new Cerfmcate(s) of AGENDA 1 To elect a Chairman. 2. To consider a lull statement of the affairs of the Company 3 To consider tne circ*mstances leading ud to the proposed winding up 4 To nominate a person to be Liquidator 5 To consider the appointment of a Committee of inspection 6 To fix the remuneration of the Liauidator. 7 To authorise the destruction of records oursuant to Section 542 1999 th'S 2 d3V 0cl0Der ROBERT NORMAN MCNAMARA Relurblshment and 2 level extension to existing 3 level conference centre Relurblshment. upgrage and additional storey to level commerce building To register for documentation please forward a company prof ile to Fax 9562 9381 or tree call 1600 01 8844 TENDERS Can vou supply your products services to government councils or corporate For further information on tenders within your industry call TEN PERSE ARCH 94)26 442 TAKE NOTICE that Carmel ten Dam of 27 Boeing Street Strathmore Heights the Executrix named In the Will dated 7th March 1995 and executed on 1st September 1999 ol BRIAN JOHN BRENNAN late of 102 Blndi Street Glenroy deceased will 14 days after the date of publication of this advertisem*nt apply for to the Supreme Court of Victoria for a grant of Probate of that Will AITLAND-SM ITH ASSOCIATES Solicitors of 35 Hall StreetMoonee Ponds 30.39 key 9309 ST ANNE'S SUNBURY has 2 PO; SALES SHOES SOXS KIDS SHOES.

We are looking to employ sates consultants lor our Malvern and Southland stores Full time and casual positions are available Previous fitting experience Is essential. To make an appointment contact Tara 9509 9139 during business hours. SALES A GREAT JOBI We have loo many leads Are vou a closer and want a stable Income In excess ol $50 000pa' Retainer plus comm Phone Chris on 1800 067 654 We will train you SALES POSITIONS AC A are looking for a highly motivated workforce to sell new services to small and medium enterprises High sales are needed prior to the Christmas break Ongoing, rewarding package offered Interested? Call Zoran on 9224 7222 during. Business Hours SALES Prestige Sports Cars Must have exo In selling and closing. Earn ITOOK.

Ph 9761 6899 SALES PROFESSIONALS ROOF RESTORATION $1,000 A WEEK GUARANTEE Modern Roof Restoration. Australia's largest roof restoration company currently has vacancies for proven sales professionals Applicants must be prepared to work Saturdays and Sundays with 2 davs olf during the week On completion pf 2 weeks training, successful applicants will receive $1,000 oer week with potential earnings of $100,000 pa All uualifled leads supplied Applicants must possess a lale model motor vehicle and mobile telephone Contact Personnel Manager 13 11 78 Modern Group 3 Water Rd, Preston SALES Promotional Staff Emphasis will be placed on sales ability as customer service Is an integral part of this job function nease sutmii wriuen resumes REGISTRAR OF TITLES it ions available for 2000. Reading Recovery (0 5) and Japanese (0 6). Both positions could be linked to other roles Applicants must be committed to the Catholic ethos and need to contact Ihe Principal. For further details before applying on bioreperson.

Kellor Downs 3 UIHtLl UH iroyaon Hoao. crqyaon petsetc 98a622l50417 557J05 CARPENTER flooring hou-. repairs, adjustments, shoot levels 0417370 042 DATA ENTRY OPERATORCASHIER PT reauired for fruit and vegetable wholesaler, located at Mel FfFArn bourne Markets. Position requi rnn In rnmmpnrc at 1am M( att Juan Applications ciose November 1 2th. STAWELL PRIMARY SCHOOL Two Generalist Teacher Level I Fri, for approx 25hrs PW Computer skills necessary.

Apply in writi positions from 01012000 lo 2 1 I 2200 I For further inlo BAYSIDE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL Notice is hereby given that a Special riniea If th( contact uavia huic tuj ijjbu wbi consider the appointment CORPORATIONS LAW NOTICE OF MEETING OF CREDITORS OF CADDY CHASE PIN LTD (IN LIQUIDATION) ACN 057 855 204 Notice Is hereby given that a meeting of the creditors of Caddy Chase Pty Ltd (In Llauldatlon) will be held at the offices of O'Keeffe Walton Rlchwol. Suite 3. 431 Burke Road, Camberwell on 11 November 1999 at 9 30 am. AGENDA 1 To receive a report on the conduct of the liquidation to date 2 To consider the company's report as to affairs 3 To consider whether to aopomt a committee of Inspection to represent creditors, and if thought fit to consider the persons and number to be appointed? 4. If a committee of Inspection Is not appointed, to determine the re- transacting the (allowing busir muiee oi inspection To consider any other business which may be brought before the meeting DATED this 29th day of October 1999 MICHAEL JAMES HUMPHRlS Administrator Sims Lockwood Level 15 461 Bourke Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 Telephone 9670 0955 Note To enable creditors to vote at the meeting, proof of debt and proxy forms should be forwarded to Sims Lockwood before the commence Apologies 1 LI 5 Amendment 2 Bayside Retail Network Business Plan 3 Bavslde Business Directory Community Guide ADMINRECEPTIOf A full time position exists with a well established company based 1 Blackburn.

The applicant must be computer literate with a pleasai it telepiwne manner and a strong focus on customer service A wid variety of duties would encompassed including Invc'cn 1 customer accounts, sales and management support Attractive salary and excelled working conditions are offered Resume should be addressed to The Manager AUTOMATION SYSTEMS PL PO Jox 54 LBIackburnVjc3 1 30 ALLROUNOER, spare driver yj -light truck lie. fprklift lie read storeperson general hand. Italia 1 FORM 529 CORPORATIONS LAW NOTICE OF MEETING OF CREDITORS PURSUANT TO SECTION 508(1) KINSLEY LORD PTY LTD (IN LIQUIDATION) ACN 069 891 952 NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN that a joint Meeting of Creditors and Members of the above company will be held at the Meeting Room. 9th Floor. 608 St Kllda Road.

Melbourne on Monday the 15th day of November. 1999, at 1 1.30 a for the purpose of laying before the meeting an account or the Liaul-dator's acts and dealings and of the conduct of the winding up Creditors are advised That the Liquidator's accounts of receipts and oayments may be Inspected at the offices of B.K Taylor CO 8th Floor. 608 St Kilda Road. Melbourne during business hours DATED this 14th day of October. 1999 BARRY KEITH TAYLOR LIQUIDATOR TAYLOR CO CERTIFIED PRACTICING ACCOUNTANTS 608 ST KILDA ROAD MELBOURNE VIC 3004 i no Manager.

Man box 4 Footscray Rd. Footscray 301 1 EXPORT CLERK Int'l Freight forwarder located in Tullamarine reauires person experienced In airfreight exports Qualified essential Apply In writing to Airfreight Manager Box 32 Tullamarine 3043 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTANT SSOK PLUS Melbourne based multi national Co offers a great opportunity for career progression. Reauirements General Ledger input reporting ledger reconciliation, inter-company clearing house, experience In foreign exchange currency, high volume transations. analysis and explanation of variations Strong time management. Excel PowerPoint Call SUE FALCONER LAKES INTERNATIONAL PhFax 03 5224 1692 OR mobile 0412 949 705

FOREPERSON CONCRETE Must have proven exoenence in the CENTAL ASSISTANT read, casual. PT East subs family practice We are looking for a competent caring person lo join our small team Ph 9803 3998 (BH). 98825774 (AHJ NURSE NANNIE UK in 2000 Own apartment, car 0414 991 186 STATE ENROLLED NURSE Permanent casual wanted for medical practice Carlton area Hours 4pm-7pni wccknluhts 9am-12 weekends Please call 9349 2444 during business hours oeonle to promote the oroduc ment or tne meeting OFFICER Lock wood. 9359 5570 BH Mon-Frl 9am oiug inausiry commercial ana CREDITORS NOTICE Creditors, next of kin and others having claims in respect of the Estate of BRIAN ROBERT COWARD late of 26 Legana Court, Patterson Lakes In the State of Victoria, Unemployed, who died on the 1 Hh day of October. 1999 are required to send particulars of their claim to Andrew McMullan Co Legal Practitioners, 64 Klngsway.

Glen Waverley in the said State. Legal Practitioners for the Executor of the said Estate bv the 3 1 st day of December. 1999. after which time the aopolnted Executor will distribute the assets having regard NOTICF OF JENOLA PEAK PTY LTD FORM 529 CORPORATIONS LAW Subregulation 5 6 12(2j NOTICE OF MEETING OF CREDITORS ROSNEY NOMINEES PTY LTD (ADMINISTRATOR APPOINTED) ACN 005 082 575 NOTICE is given that a meeting ol the creditors of the company will be held at The Offices of O'Keeffe Walton Rlchwol. Suite 3.

431 Burke Rd, Camberwell 3124 on Tuesday 9 November 1999 at 1 1 00 am AGENDA 1 To consider a Report by the Administrator 2 To fix the remuneration ot the Administrator 3 For creditors to resolve a that the administration should end: or that the company be wound up that the company execute a Deed of Company Arrangement 4 If the company is wound uo, to consider the appointment of a committee of inspection 5 If the company is wound up and no committee is appointed, to fix the CHILDCARE WORKER With Level 3 qualification reauired for Childcare Centre in Northcote caring for 3-4 YO Ring Rosemary on 9486 7411 or send application to 38 Arthurton Road Northcote 3070 by 1 9 1 1 1999 CHILDCARE WORKFR Experience oreferrcd reauired for Childcare Centre in Northcote caring for 3-4 YO Ring Rosemary on 946 741 or send applications to 38 Arthurton Rd Northcote 3070 by. 3 11.1999 CHILDCARE WORKER WITH LEVEL 3 aualifications rod to work in child care centre in Reservoir BH 9478 3615 AH 97726512 0409 185 477 RE: STANLEY GEORGE SANDERS deceased TAKE NOTICE that DONALD MERVYN ASTON the executor named In the Will dated 1 February 1999 ol STANLEY GEORGE SANDERS deceased, late of isle of Oags Road. Nelson. Victoria Retired Cartage Contractor will 14 days alter the date of publication of this advertisem*nt aoolv to the Suoreme Court of Victoria tor a grant ol Probate of that Will ASTON CO Solicitors Mount Gambler 5290 RE: STELLA LOUISA GILBERT deceased Take notice that JOAN DUNNING of Flat 16165 Hotham Street. East Melbourne, Victoria.

Widow one of the instituted executors named in the Will dated 30 July 1990 of STELLA LOUISA GILBERT deceased, late of 26 Livingston Street. Ivanhoe. Victoria. Retired Office Secretary, will, 14 days alter the date of publication of this advertisem*nt aoolv to the Suoreme Court for a grant of Probate of that Will, with leave reserved to LENA MAY WHITSON the other instituted executor named therein to come in and prove the Will COADYS. Solicitors 1 5th Floor.

AMP Tower. 535 Bourke Street. Melbourne RE THOMAS ALEXANDER Mcdonald deceased. TAKE NOTICE that CARMEL MARY DUNNE of 645 High Street East Prahran Victoria but formerly of 9 Egllnton Street Kew Married Woman ROBERT EDWARD MCDONALD of 2 Landcox Street East Brighton Victoria Administrator and MOIRA KATHLEEN WOIWOD Of 7 Charles Street Cheltenham Victoria Married Woman the Executors named in the will dated the 16th day ol December 1 996 of THOMAS ALEXANDER MCDONALD deceased late ol The George vowell Centre ol Cobb Drive Mt Eliza but previously of 221 Palmers ton Avenue Dromana Victoria will 14 davs after the date ol publication of this advertisem*nt apply to the Supreme Court of Victoria for a Grant of Probate ol that Will McGRATH CO Solicitors 16 Beach Street, Dromana RE: THOMAS DAVID PAFFARD deceased Take notice that JOHN ROBERT PAFFARD of 73 Clydesdale Road. Airport West Victoria.

Manager, Son Of THOMAS DAVID PAFFARD deceased, late ol 12 Osway Street. Broadmeadows. Victoria will 14 days after the date ol publication of this advertisem*nt apply to the Supreme Court of Victoria lor a grant of administration ol the estate of the deceased upon intestacy, there being no Will of the deceased Peter Randies Co Ptv Ltd. Solicitors. 636 Sydney Road, Brunswick3056 RE: VERONICA LILLIAN TOOLE deceased Take notice that MARGARET LOUSE PITCAITHLEY of 18 Stratford Sauare Wantirna.

Midwife the Executor named in the Will dated 26 August 1993 of VERONICA LILLIAN OTOOLE deceased late of Chelsea Park Nursing Home. Station Street, Edithvale will 1 4 days alter the date of oubiication of this advertisem*nt apply to the Supreme Court of Victoria for a Grant of Probate of that wm Beck Sheahan Quinn Kirkham. Solicitors. 1 10 Pall Mall. Bendigo RE: William Stewart Mcbouqall RE: Keith Alexander Hansen Take notice that Janet Manorie Trainor of 35 High Street Mont Albert.

Victoria. Psychiatric Nurse and Murray George Chessell ol 379 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Solicitor, the executors named In the Will dated 12 November 1987 of Keith Alexander Hansen late of 3 Boorool Sireet East Kew. Victoria Retired Pharmacist, will 14 days after the date of publication of this advertisem*nt apply to the Supreme Court ol Victoria lor a grant of probate ot that Will Chessell Williams. Solicitors. 379 Collins Street.

Melbourne, 3000 RE: KEVIN MARTIN FOWLES deceased TAKE NOTICE that ANN PATRICIA FOWLES the Executrix named in the Will dated 1 st September 1986 of KEVIN MARTIN FOWLES deceased late of South Gippsland Highway, Sena. Builder will 1 4 days after the date of publication ot this advertisem*nt apply to the Supreme Court of Victoria lor a grant ol orobate of that Will OAKLEYS RICKARD. Legal Praclioner. Korumburra RE: LEONARD SYDNEY NEVE deceased TAKE NOTICE that TARLYN JAN SICA of 5A Callaghan Place Frankston. Victoria.

Married Woman the Executrix name in the Will dated 7th November 1986 and Codicil thereto dated 27th November 1 996 of LEONARD SYDNEY NEVE deceased late of 5 Callaghan Place. Frankston, Victoria, Builder, will 14 days after the date ol publication ol this advertisem*nt apply to the Supreme Court of Victoria for a Grant of Probate of that Will and CodiciL BRIAN IVEY. Solicitor of 1 9a Thompson Street. Frankston Victoria. 3199 RE LINDA MAY RICHARDS deceased TAKE NOTICE that SHIRLEY MARGARET HOLDCROFT of 5 Cavensham Court una wading Victoria, Home Duties and PETER HOLDCROFT of 5 Cavensham Court Nunawading.

Victoria, Retired the Executors named in the Will dated 25th July. 1994 of linda may RICHARDS deceased late ot inala Village. Mlddieborough Road. Blackburn South, Victoria will 1 4 davs after the date ol publication ol this advertisem*nt aoolv to the Supreme Court of Victoria tor a Grant of Probate ot that Will Testa rt Robinson. Solicitors.

701 Station Street, Box Hill. 3128 RE: LORRAINE ISOBEL FEATONBY deceased Take notice that MARISSE LORRAINE RIPPER of 28 Beach Grove Seaford. Victoria. Home Duties the Executrix named in the Will dated 22 Aor.l 1997 of LORRAINE ISOBEL FEATONBY (also known as LORRAINE FEATONBY! deceased, late of 28 Beach Grove. Sealord.

Victoria. Home Duties, will 14 davs after the date of Duplication of this advertisem*nt apply to the Supreme Court of Victoria for a Grant ol Probate of that Will Frederick Owen Associates Pty Ltd Solicitors 55-57 Cardigan Place. Albert Park 3206. RE: maria CATTAPAN deceased TAKE NOTICE that SILVAN A PASE ol 99 Victor Road South Oaklelgh Victoria Shoo Assistant, the Executor named in the Will dated 11 May 1997 of MARIA CATTAPAN deceased late of 14 Beaumaris Parade Highelt. Victoria.

Widow, win fourteen (1 4) days after the date of publication of this advertisem*nt apply to the Supreme Court of Victoria for a Grant ol Probate of that Will MORLEY NAUGHTON PEARN COOK. Solicitors 474 Centre Road Bentleigh 3204 RE: MARIA RAFTOPOULOS deceased TAKE NOTICE that PETER JOHN GIBSON and MARC PRUDEN the executors named in the Will dated 25 May 1995 of MARIA RAFTOPOULOS late Of 1 St Anthony Place, Kew, Victoria will 1 4 days after the publication of this advertisem*nt apply to the Suoreme Court of Victoria lor a grant of probate thereof LOG IE -SMITH LANYON, Lawyers 575 Bourke street. Melbourne ALUMINIUM FABRICATORS Tui; time position exists for pc-rso 1 experienced in manufacturing installation glazing of aluminium windows and doors nr. start read Salary package nr-1 South East Suburbs Phone SDjru BH957 2 3344 or AH 041124V9U APPRENTICE Motor Mechanic MERCEDES BENZ Mitchell Porrllt has a vacancy (or 1 1 st vr Motor Mechanic Aoprenti- p. ship starts in Jan 00.

Completion veai 1 1 preferred All aopllcaltoi and resumes must be made in wi I mg and sent tp Mr. Mitchell Porrltt PO Box 730, Richmond, 31 21 APPRENTICE SPRAY PAINTER Woods Accident Repair Centre i seeking a 3rd year apprentice 0 trades assistant to work at the'' busy Brighton Panel Shoo. Cdloui matching and cut and polishin 1 experience preferred. Phone lulu 9882 8221 or 0419001 885. APPRENTICE SPRINKLER FlHt" reauired by Entire Fire Protectloi Must have minimum Year 11 Written applications accornp.n: by a resume to Attention Mr.

L'. Maglio, PO Box 1319 Sou. Melbourne 3205 in liuuiuai lurvj ACN 063 596 430 NOTICE IS GIVEN that a joint meeting of members and creditors of the company will be held at the offices of BDO Nelson Parkhill. BDO House. S63 Bourke Street.

Melbourne. Victoria, on Wednesday. 17 November 1999 at 12 00 noon AGENDA To receive an account of the Liquidator's acts and dealings and the conduct of the winding uo during the year ended 2 Sep- trrnhur IQQ9 ANDREW McMULLAN CO Legal Practitioners. 64 Kingswav GlenWayerley.Vlctoria our company in snooping centres You will be promoting roller shutters, the fastest growing home improvement product in Australia today Excellent hrly rate incentive bonuses for the right oeople Contact Personnel Manager 13 11 76 Modern Group 3 Water Rd Preston SALES PROMOTIONAL OFFICERS We reauire 2 people to fill full-time positions in our Worldwide expanding Company to giveaway free security systems to residential and commercial premises That's right Free II you are sell motivated, well presented and have excellent communication skills and think you have what it lakes to earn big li please call 9G82 881.1 SALES TRAINEE MANAGEMENT We need four Sales Trainees to help with extension program lor our new branch office No experience necessary as full training is provided Positions will lead to management within 3-4 months expecting earnings between $500-Si. 000 per week car and licence preferred but not essential Electronic Payment Systems Tel: 9899 3056.

SALES TRAINEEMGMT We need lour sales trainees to help with expansion programme for our new branch office No exoenence necessary as lull training is provided Positions will lead to management within 3 to 4 months Expect to earn $320 to $740 per week Car lie essential Phone 9682 4 1 1 5 SALESACCOUNT MANAGER Our booming computer suoplies business reauires an entnusiastic team member to Pe oart Of their ftin eyrit'in anrl rirnfpinnl nfflre If remuneration or tne nciuioatoi 6 Any other business that may be awiti Proliant rorwarrt dustria! sector full knowledge of concrete and carpentry read wages nejjoLPH 019005 234 HAIR STATION OF KEW are interviewing for 1st. 2nd 3rd year apprentices 9853 8669 HAIRDRESSER Full Time Part Time oosition available at busy upmarket salon Essendon area If vou think that you are right up there with todav's trend and have a strong background colour, have a passion lor cutting and vou just cant stop wanting to learn more about your art then call Quadio Hair Salon and be part of a real learn Phone Mickey on 9330 2252 during business hours HAIRDRESSER HEADING OUT HAIR BEAUTY reauire 1 st and 2nd year and Senior Stylist to join team of hardworking, happy, professionals in award winning Fitzrov salon Training and incentives and competition opportunities for career enhancement avail Apply now on 941 7 0441 HAIRDRESSER ROBBIE BARKER HAIR TOORAK Reauires a 1 st year apprentice Please call Tricia on 9826 5500 for an intervjew HAIRDRESSER Barber needed for pari time or full time work Also 2nd or 3rd year Apprentice wanted Excel working conditions in busv barber shoo Box HHI area PH 98998744; HAIRDRESSER SCRUPLES UNISEX reauires auatified Stylist for lull time or oart time work in Wantirna Sth Salon Ph 9562 5773 HAIRDRESSER Qualified with experience to work PT with view to FT Mitcham Call Monica 9873 2127 2 To aporove the further remuneration of the liquidator. DATED this 29th day of October 1999 Leon A. Lumsden Liauidator BDO Nelson Parkhill Chartered Accountants BDO House 563 Bourke Street Melbourne Vic 3000 Telephone (0396158500 DATED 29 October 1999 TAKE NOTICE that GEOFFREY WADE COWARD of Unit 15. 41 Marine Parade.

St Ktlda In the State of Victoria. General Manager, one of the Executors named in the Will dated 16. January, 1998 of BRIAN ROBERT fJOWARO deceased late of 26 Legana Court, Patterson Lakes in the said State Unemployed, will fourteen days alter the date of publication ol this advertisem*nt apply to the Supreme Court of Victoria for a Grant of Probate of that Will, reserving leave to PATRICIA JENNINGS the other Executor named therein to come in and prove the Will at any time ANDREW McMULLAN CO Legal Practitioners, 64 Kingswav. Glen Waverley, Victoria RE: CHARLES ALBERT HOUSDEN deceased Take notice that EMERALD LINDA MAVIS HOUSDEN of 139 Gladstone Parade Glenroy. Victoria, Home Consultant the Execute-named in the will dated 14 April, 1964 of CHARLES ALBERT HOUSDEN deceased, late of 139 Gladstone Parade.

Glenroy Victoria Gentleman will 14 days after the date of publication of this advertisem*nt apply to the Supreme Court of Victoria for a grant of probate of that will Pearsons Solicitors. 794 Pascoe yae Road.Glenroy.3046 RE: Constance Francis Weedon in the Will also called Constance Frances Weedon deceased Take notice that Lawrence William Weedon of 12 Cornwall Road Pascoe Vale. Victoria Retired. John Coughlan ol 2 Violet Street Essendon. Victoria, Medical Practitioner and Mary Dimech ol 1 2 Zoeller Street Concorde.

New South Wales. Social Worker the Executors named in the Will dated 14th October 1 993 of Constance Francis Weedon in the Will also called Constance Frances Weedon deceased, late ot 14 Regent Street Ascot Vale will 14 days after the date of publication of this advertisem*nt apply to the Supreme Court of Victoria for a grant ol probate of that Will Watkins Boag O'Connor Dunne. Solicitors, 423 High Street, Kew RE: CONSTANTINOS BENEHOUTSOS (also known as Con Benehoutsos) deceased Take notice that MARGARET BENEHOUTSOS ol 25 Denhert Street East Doncaster home duties the widow and one of the next ol km Of CONSTANTINOS BENEHOUTSOS (also known as Con Benehoutsos) deceased late of 25 Denhert Street East Ooncaster statistician will 14 days after the date of publication ol this advertisem*nt appiv to the Supreme COurt of Victoria for a grant of Letters ol Administration ol the estate ol the deceased upon intestacy there being no will of the deceased AITKEN WALKER STRACHAN Solicitors 1 14 William Street Melbourne 3000. RE: CRAIG LEONARD THOMAS DECEASED CREDITORS next of kin and others having claims in respect of the Estate of CRAIG LEONARD THOMAS late Of 10 Conifer Avenue. Altona North Victoria despatch co- ordinator.

Deceased who died on 20 July 1999 are reauired bv the Administrators ot the Estate ALBERT WILLIAM THOMAS, of 12 Lorenzo Way, Aspendale Gardens Victoria, retired gentlemen and GLENIS NOREEN WOODS ol 41 Barak Road. Port Melbourne. Victoria, home duties, to send particulars of their claims to the Administrators care of their Solicitors, GRUNDY CO, Level 2. 10 Queens Road. Melbourne 3004.

by 19 November 1999 after which date the Administrators mav convey or distribute the assets having regard only to the claims of which they then have notice GRUNDY CO. Solicitors Level 2. 10 Queens Road Melbourne 3004 Legal Practitioners for the Administrators i RE: DOROTHY JEAN DOWLING deceased TAKE NOTICE that PETER CHARLES HANNAY DAVISof 221 High Street Kew. Victoria. Solicitor the Executor named in the Wilt dated 15 May 1992 of DOROTHY JEAN DOWLING deceased, late of 28 First Avenue East Kew.

Victoria will 14 days alter the date of publication of this advertisem*nt apply to the Supreme Court of Victoria for a grant ol probate o' that Will STONE LEIGHTON DAVIS. Solicitors. 221 High Street, Kew APPRENTICE 2ND3RD YR CHEF reauired. hardworking reauired for dynamic kitchen in Italian restaurant Contact 94991642. ASSISTANT MANAGER reauired for upmarket Cafe in South Yarra Coffee experience prel'd but not essential Must be very eager to be an assistant Fax resume or applications to 9824 1616 Cafe Cervo WAITERESS Required for very Pusy Italian RestaurantCafe Must have waiting exo ce conhdert customer service FORM 509C Paragraph 445F(2)(a) Corporations Law NOTICE OF MEETING OF CREDITORS TO VARY OR TERMINATE DEED OF COMPANY ARRANGEMENT ACN 057 333 641 LIMITED (SUBJECT TOADEEDOF COMPANY ARRANGEMENT) ACN: 057 333 641 FORMERLY MERINO GOLD LIMITED 1.

Notice Is given that a meeting of the creditors of the company will be Held at Level 1 3. 1 1 4 William Street. Melbourne on 9th November 1999 at 10.30 am 2 The purpose of the meeting is to consider and vote on the following resolutions (a) "THAT the Deed of ComDanv Arrangement dated 13th September 1 999 be varied bv incorporating the proposal by Mr P.W Gardiner which is annexed to the Deed Administrators (b) "THAT the Deed of Company Arrangement dated 13th September 1999 be terminated and that ACN: 057 333 641 Limited be wound DATED this 28th day of October. 1999 S.L HORNE Deed Administrator Clarke Bentleys MRI 1 14 William Street MELBOURNE VIC. 3000 HERITAGE ACT 1995 Registered Historic Place No 1 1 36 EMERALD HILL 316 Clarendon St South Melbourne PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT an aooiicatlon under Section 57 ol Ihe Heritage Act to develop a three storev apartment at the 'ear of 316 Clarendon Street has been lodged with the Executive Director A copy of the application is available lor inspection by the public at the offices ol Heritage Victoria.

Nauru House. Level 22. 80 Collins Street, Melbourne between 10 00am and 400pm weekdays by appointment by telephoning (03)96556519 Any person mav lodge an objection or submission respect of the application during the period ol 14 days from the publication of this notice Ray Tonkin Executive Director Date 11199 TERMS Conditions for 52 Good Weekends Away, Honda CR-V Sport Give-Away. Legion Telecall. 50 cents max call costs, higher rates from mobile and pay phones The competition runs from 30lh October 6th November The competition closes 6th November, all entries must be received by this date Winners will be randomly selected from all entries received The draw takes place at Legion Telecall.

Level 11. 153 Walker Street. North Sydney on 8th November at 12 noon EmDloyees ol The Age. Sydney Morning Herald, Honda and immediate family are not eligible to enter 1 The major prize consists of a Honda CR-V Sport recommended retail once is J33.950 The CR-V also comes with additional features of a 1 0 CD Stacker (value $8 1 0 00) cross bar (value cross bar foot set (value S2 1 1 70) ski attachment (value $282 24) gold emblem set (v.ilue $103 80). wood grain radio surround (value $235 20) luggage cover (value $234 50).

tow bar (value $31 1 60). carpet mat set (value $186 40). front and rear sheepskin covers (value $1.040 00) and side step set (value $421 65) Also included in the prize are dealer delivery (value $995 00). registration (value $426 00), comDulsory third party Insurance (value $407 00) stamo duty (value $848 75) and a Shell Volume Limited Fuel Card valued at $4,500 00 Total value of the prize is no less than $45,000 not including the associated (itting costs Prices are manufacturers recommended retails, and include associated fitting costs Prices are subject to change without notice, items are sublect to availability. The winner will be notified by phone, mall and published in The Age Public Notices on Friday 12 November, 1999 Names and address details will remain the property of The Age The Sydney Morning Herald and Honda whom reserve the right to use in future promotional campaigns.

Vic Permit Number 992753 issued 14th October 1999 WILLIAM PATRICK WALKER D'ease contact PO Box 1053 Mt Gambier Sth Aust piane.Babb vou want good wages PLUS commissions and have great I pe a naro worker Samuel Richwol. Administrator O'Keeffe Walton Richwol, Suite 3. 43J.JjjrXeR.oad. Camberwell. 3 1 24 FORM 529 Subregulation 5 6 12(2) CORPORATIONS LAW NOTICE OF MEETING OF CREDITORS PURSUANT TO SECTION 508(1 MADDERN COMPANY PTY LTD (IN LIQUIDATION) ACN 005 683615 AS TRUSTEE FOR ST DOMINIC'S TRUST NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a joint Meeting ol Creditors and Members of the above company will be held at the Meeting Room, 9th Floor 608 St Kilda Road.

Melbourne on Monday the 15th day of November. 1999 at 1100 am for the purpose of laying before the meeting an account of the Liquidators acts and dealings and of the conduct of the winding uo Creditors are advised that the Liquidator's accounts of recelots and payments may be Insoected at the offices of BK Taylor Co. 8th Floor. 608 St Kilda Road, Melbourne during business hours DATED this 15th day of October 1999 BARRY KEITH TAYLOR LIQUIDATOR TAYLOR CO CERTIFIED PRACTICING ACC- OUNTANTS 608 ST KILDA ROAD MELBOURNE VIC 300.4 FORM 529 Paragraph 5 6 1 2(2)(b) Corporations Law NOTICE OF SECOND MEETING OF CREDITORS OF COMPANY UNDER ADMINISTRATION RAGODA INDUSTRIES PTY LTD (ADMINISTRATOR APPOINTED) ACN 082 875 803 1 Notice is now given that a second meeting of the creditors of the company will be held at Brooke Bird Co, Chartered Accountants, 255 Whitehorse Road. Balwyn, 3103.

on 1 0 November 1 999 at 3 30 Dm 2 Agenda The purpose of the meeting is to determine whether: a) the company Execute a Deed of Company Arrangement; b) the Administration end; or a) the company be wound up. d) to fix the remuneration of the Administrators, and e) to fix the remuneration of the Deed Administrators or Joint Several Liquidators DATED this 26th day of October 1999 ROBYN ERSKINE AND PETER GOODIN JOINT SEVERAL Crowns Ground Level communication SKins, amoiwon motivation call Laura Mon-Fn 9 30am -4 30pm or. (03) 9805 31 1 1 for more information SALESPERSON NORTHERN MITSUBISHI NEW CAR DEPARTMENT Malefemale Have you got what it takes to be successful in todavs automotive industry' if so then we HAIRDRESSINC CAJ APPRENTICE PANEL BEATER 3rd year Apprentice reauired lor busy panel shop in Brighton area PhJulie9882 822torO419 001 8C APPRENTICE 2nd or Ird Year BAKERS DELIGHT Cantertjur requires hardworking and e'lthusi astic person. 5 day week, goo conditions Ph Ron 0414 547 750 APPRENTICE PLUMBERDrai readAward wages drivers licenr' subs PH 0419 S51 857 AUTO ELECTRICIAN MOBILE Dial-A-Meclianic are looking for hard working competent an electrician to repair a wide rango of venicies, within the Mel hour'1'1 Metropolitan area Exceiien; working conditions and salary I apply to the successful applicant with bonuses and benefits. FuHv eauipped vehicle supplied an i maintained If you are looking t.

join a company lhat prides itself customer service, please ca' 9572 4433 to arrange a confidential intervit AUTO ELECTRICIAN Must have -conditioning knowledge, gc wages ana conds Uniform suppli Ring Martin on 941 7 7426. BAKER Qualified BAKf f) DELIGHT Canterbury Must be good communicator valuable tea member Ph Ron. 0414 547 75rJ BAKERS Full time Part time Grbv. ing family business Cralgicburn immediate start. BH 9300 3069 BAKERS 2 permanent posiIio' available (or Brumbvs in Ivanhcjc ft Ashburton Hardworking respon sible oeople read Good condition-fun atmosphere Please conta" Garv9886 0404 before 10 30am BARBER See Aci under Box HHI 9B99 8744 BOILERMAKERS reauired lor 'en gineenng compan 1 located i Bayswater RRITKL AYF Rfi rn'iiirrrl tn colour) cutter tn amnm for management Applicants must be th New Car Mai dressing Laii Nao or 04 11 80 5041 AIRDRESSING North Rflluvvn Virtnna "Inliritni Harry Karstianos SALESPERSON Progressive duty free and retail store reauires dynamic part time sales assistant Applicant must have a current proven sales record and ability to work within a great groun environment Fax resumes to 9827 1466 SECRETARYPERSONAL ASSISTANT: NEG A firm of CPAs is seeking the services of a secret aryoersonal assistant to Partners Duties will include general office administration, audio typing accounts payable and assistance a Whltemans st South Bank.

Cafe Cervo CHEF PART TIME Reauired for a busv A la Carte Italian Restaurant Must be fully qiialihe'1 A exoer in Italian cuisine Can lo? an appplnment Ask lor Paul or Mane 9292 782-1 or 0409 7 23B Crowns Ground Level 8 Whltemans st south Ban.H CHEF LcjPSter Cove in Wantirna Please call 9720 3244 CHEF qualified or apprentice regd (or busy hotel bistro East suhs Ph after 10 30am on 9844 3202 COFFEE PERSON. Busy cafe In Toorak requires experienced person to operate Espresso machine Full and Dart time work available Must be fast and make excellent coffee Phone Cathy 9827 0822 COOK full-time' and casual Barstaff TAB accreditation essential Ring Samor Mario 9354 1 177 COUNTERHAND. weekends only experienced in coffee making serving food nreoaration for busy cafe cake shop 9386 9669 COUNTER HAND req tor busy cafe in Prahran Reliable and hard working Hours 8 2pm Mon Fri 8-12pm most Sats Ph 9529 1868 DISHWASHER KITCHENHANO Busv catering company in Fitzroy reauires energetic and experienced Dishwashercleaner for our large kitchen Hours Mon to Fri 9am-5pm Ph 9417 6849 FORM 529 Subregulation 5 6 1 2(2) CORPORATIONS LAW NOTICE OF MEETING OF CREDITORS PURSUANTTO SECTION 508(1) DUFTON PTY LTD (IN LIQUIDATION) ACN 083 990 443 AS TRUSTEE FOR MADDERN FAMILY TRUST NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a joint Meeting of Creditors and Members ot the above company will be held at the Meeting Room, 9th Floor. 608 St. Kllda Road.

Melbourne on Monday the 15th day of November, 1999 at 10 30 am for the purpose of laying before the meeting an account of the Liquidators acts and dealings and of the conduct of the winding uo Creditors are advised that the Liquidator's accounts of receipts and RE MARY ELLEN LEECH deceased TAKE NOTICE that MARY FRANCES KRUITHOF the Executrix named in the Will dated 21 June 1993 of MARY ELLEN LEECH deceased late of Kive-ton Park Nursing Home 15 Webster Street Chadstone Victoria Retired, will 14 days after the date of oiio administration successful applicant would be FORM 529 CORPORATIONS LAW NOTICE OF MEETING OF CREDITORS PURSUANTTO SECTION 473(4) A 4 I STUDD PLUMBING PTY LTD (IN LIQUIDATION) ACN 051 766 584 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Meeting of the Creditors of the above company will be held at the Meeting Room, 9th Floor. 608 St Kilda Road. Melbourne on Friday, the 1 2th day of November. 1 999. at 1 1 00am AGENDA 1 Consideration o( Report as to Affairs 2 Liquidator's Report to Meeting.

3 Directors Statement regarding failure of company 4 Directors' proposal of settlement 5 Remuneration of the Liquidator. 6 Any other business. DATED this 29th day of October. 1999 PAUL VARTELAS Liquidator B.K. Taylor Certified Practising Accountants.

8th Floor. 608 St Ktlda Road, Melbourne Vic 3004. Subregulation 5.6.12(2) NOTICE OF MEETING GLENHAVEN HOMES PTY LTD (IN LIQUIDATION) ACN007 420 751 NOTICE IS GIVEN that a joint meeting of members and creditors of the company will be held at the offices of Ferrier Hodgson. 20 Mason Street. DANDENONG VIC on 23 November 1999 at 10.00am AGENDA 1 To receive an account of the Liquidator's acts and dealings and the conduct of the winding up during the year ended 22 September 1 999.

2. To consider and. If thought fit, aoprove the future remuneration of the Liauidator. his oartners and staff from 5 August 1 997 to the conclusion of this administration. DATED this 28th day ol October, 1999.

R. VINCE. Ugujdator. expected to be proficient with Microsoft Word 97 or other word bricks in a GANG full time Duplication of tnis advertisem*nt Floor. 608 St Kilda Road.

Mel HAIRDRESSING 2nd. 3rd 4th Yr Apprentices 'ea for Chadstone Wantirna Sin salons 5CRUPLES UNISEX PHONE 9562 5773 HAIRDRESSING Apprentice Carlton We reauire a modern wen presented 1st Year Please call 9347 7222 BH. HAIRDRESSING APPRENTICE 1st Year, reqd for Malvern Salon p19576 0144 or 0419895 B51 KINDERGARTEN TEACHER reauired for Childcare Centre in Northcote Ring Rosemary on 9485 7411 or send applicatipn to 38 Arthurton Rd. Northcote. 3070 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT Qualified person reauired to assist in a small landscape design practice Full lime position.

Must be competent in site analysis site supervision, manual drafting, documentation plant selection Apply by lax to 9618 1655. LEGAL RECEPTIONIST CSD Busy progressive City law firm reas experienced Reception for front desk position. Applicants must have a professional telephone manner (NEC) and accurate WP skills (W4W) combined with a friendly and hrjipf ul that Wi and Phillip Alan Bradley in the Will called Philip Alan Bradley of 26 Laurel Grove Blackburn. Victoria. Accountant the Executors named In the Will dated 8 April 1999 and Codicil dated 23 September 1 999 of William Stewart McDougall deceased, late ol 4 Stradbroke Avenue Toorak Victoria will 1 4 days alter the date of publication pf this advertisem*nt apply to the Supreme Court ol Victoria for a grant of probate of that Will and Codicil.

HENDERSON BALL, Solicitors. 722 HlghStreet East Kw 302. RE: "WILLIAM JOHN MURPHY deceased Take notice that DAVID STANLEY WATERS of 17 Mulgra Street. South Frankston Victoria the Executor named in the Will dated 1 7th September. 1 986 ol WILLIAM JOHN MURPHY.

Pattern maker, deceased late of 13 Gretana Crescent, Karlngal. Victoria, will 14 days after the date of publication of this advertisem*nt apply to the Suoreme Court of Victoria for a Erant ol probate of the Will ardner Associates. Solicitors of 58 Mt Eliza Way Mt Eliza. Victoria, 3930 "TAKE NOTICE ir.ji ARAM ANN HAYMAN (in tne Will called KAREN ANN HAYMAN) of 10143 Franklin Street, Melbourne 3000 Victoria Artist one of the Executors named in tlw Will dated 18 January 1996 of LESLIE LIVINGSTONE HAYMAN deceased late ot 5 Yatama Court Mount Waverley Engineer Supplier deceased will 14 davs after publication of this advertisem*nt apply to the Suoreme Court of Victoria for a grant ot probate of time casual piease roursen Ph Mark 0413 482 43B BRICKLAYERS reauired HVau Homes, immed start avail SE sub and Morn Pen Contact Petr 5974 4299 or Dave 0415 102 BRICKLAYER rpouirprt to Dourne auring ousmess nours. DATED this ISth day of October.

1999 BARRY KEITH TAYLOR LIQUIDATOR TAYLOR CO CERTIFIED PRACTICING ACC- OUNTANTS 608 ST KILDA ROAD MELBOURNE VIC 3004 wi'D gang. Phone 0407168371 ACCOUNTANT Exp Accountant read tor medium sized co Must have good knowledge in MYOB, Excel, accounts payable receivable Must be able to work autonomously. Phone 04 1 8 855.668 ACCOUNTS I ADMINISTRATOR 2-3 days per week reauired in small South Melbourne office. Experience in accounts payrec essential, and MYOB desired. Contact Mr L.

Cox on 9699 4200 BUTCHER SM ALLGOOD5 Part limp Inr rnntmontal taitrhni pjocessing software Salary package commensurate with experience is expected 'to be In the range of Applications srould be forwarded The Staff Partner Lowensttln Sharp Certified Practising Accountants Level 5, 574 St Kllda Road Melbourne Vic 3004 Tel: (03)9510-1511, fax: (039S25 1 SI Pi Email: SECURITY TECHNICIAN Rontech Secuirty reauires a full-ttme. experiecned Alarm Technician Must have Austel licence Excellent package offered Call Business Iwursonly 9887 1088 ask for Tim STOREPERSON BOX HILL Our client reauires a oro-active professional to join their small team 10 ensure your success vou reauire basic knowledge ot store procedures Junior rates of pay apply For further details 9836 7888 shoo. 9534 215. AH 9817 179f BUTCHERS Sales person 2-3 d-iv pw Mooroolbark Terry 9727 Cabinet maker Use your skills to expand future A lifestyle This Dotili offers to train a oerson the skills i sales, design 4 to manage ctrr-s Applicant would need experience In design, manufacturing A Installatio' of kitchens along with good computer skills The position involves designing of kitchens Usirts the skills you have aained br ADMINISTRATION SUBS FORM 5-8E IN THE SUPREME COURT OF VICTORIA AT MELBOURNE No. 7 107 Of 1999 In the matter of the Corporations Law of Victoria In the matter of MENNILLO'S BIN HIRE PTY LTD (ACN 054 924 006) BULLA TIP QUARRY PTY LTD (ACN 007 09? 761) Applicant -and- aisoosmon Our client seeks an office ailrounder to become integral member of their small friendly team This varied role reouircs experience in payroll, computerised account, sec support For lurther details 9836 7888 hands on In manufacturing We S'e MENNILLO'S BIN HIRE PTY LTD (ACN 054 924 006) viuuim idriiesi riuiibh manufacturer employing over 8.

people are expanding every da MASON S1ER TURNBULL. Solicitors of 5 Hamilton Place. Mount Waverley RE: MARY ARJORIE PEARL MORGAN Take notice that NOEL WILLIAM PAYNTER of I Victor Crescent, Forest Hill. Victoria. Technician and ARTHUR WILLIAM McKENZIE Of 2 Sheehan Crescent.

Shepparton. Victoria. Retired the executors named in the Will dated the 4th day of March 1991 of MARY MARJORIF PEARL MORGAN late of Bellden Lodge. 383 Maroondah Highway, Croydon, Victoria. Widow deceased will 14 days after the oub'ication of this advertisem*nt apdy to the Supreme Court of Victoria for a grant of Probate ol that Will Barbour Arnold Cousins.

Solicitors, 5118 Queen Street. Melbourne. RE: MARY TANTI deceased TAKE NOTICE that JULIE MALLIA the daughter of MARY TANTI also known as MARIA TANTI late Of Sunshine Nursing Home. 74 Devonshire Road, Sunshine Victoria. Home Duties Deceased will 14 days after the oubiication of this advertisem*nt apply to the Suoreme Court of Victoria for a grant of administration of the estate of the deceased upon intestacy, (here being no Will of the deceased VICTOR BORG Solicitors 4J4 Lonsdale Street Melbourne.

RE: MINETTA COLLINS (also known as MINETTA MARGARET COLLINS) deceased TAKE NOTICE that MAUREEN ETHEL MARCEDDO of 3 Warwick Place Crovdon 3136 Conveyancer and JOAN FRANCES AYTON of 6 Thomas Lawford Place Crovdon Hills 3136 Home Duties the Executors named In the Will dated 3 day and SUSAN MAY HAYMAN applicants considered if possessing excellent skills Send CV to Legal Receotionlst. Co Kennedy Co Accountants. Level 1 1.63 Exhibition St. Melbou rne 3 000 MODELS WANTED for high profile fashion parades in Feb May 2000 and Australian and New Zealand editorial work. Phone Luka: 0414 377 921 NAIL TECHNICIAN Position 1st or 2nd Year Apprentice Halrdresslng avail Heidelberg area.

9B44 476 1 PHARMACIST Cabnni Pharmacy reauires a full time Pharmacist to Join our progressive enthusiastic team Hospital experience Is preferred new graduates are encouraged to apply Pis phone Amanda 9500 0496 KING the other two Executors named In the said Will to come in and prove the Will at any time IRVIN GOLD ASSOCIATES Of 641 Rathdowne Street. North Carlton Solicitors for the Applicant tAKfc NOTICE that MAY SMI of For Fast Efficient Accurate Placement of advertisem*nts Use one of the following: Fax: 9601 2160 Email: Phone: 132243 GAMING SUPERVISOR 7 day 2-t hour Tabaret venue. Shift work, weekend work etc. Experience in System One book work and Customer Service programme. Contact John or Robyne on 9773 3733 between 9am-! 2pm or 130pm-6pm.

The Cove Hotel, Patterson Lakes GAMING STAFF SUPERVISOR req for Tabaret Venue in SE suburbs Must Have current gaming licence and ability to work rotating shifts Please raN on 9562 8778. HOTEL KITCHEN LEASE Beaconsfield Hotel. St Kilda reauires experd operator to take over our lood service Sealing capacity approx 100 plus lunction facilities This is an opport fpr the ngnt people toestablish a lucrative business Flexible and attractive conditions will be offered to secure the best Please reply with comolote resume and proposal to Kitchen Lease' C- 62 Page St. Albert Park 3206 PIZZA MAKER or KITCHEN HAND EXPERIENCED Immed start Ptime pr casual work avail URGENT Edithvale area Good wages Pn 972J099 after 4pm SANDWICH HAND NEEDED experienced for busy City Cafe. Part time oosition Phone 9600 031 I Ring before 12 CABINET MAKER' CARPENTERS JOINERS SHOPFITTERS WE NEED YOU'! PH BH 95S8S2SS TROUBLESHQOTERS AVAILABLE Avondale Heights, Victoria the Executor named in the Will dated 26th August 1996 of ELIZABETH PATRICIA WELLS deceased, late of 867 Sydney Road Coburg, Victoria.

Widowwill 1 4 days after the date of publication at this advertisem*nt apply to the Supreme Court of victoria lor a grant of orobate of that Will Graeme Bloom Cunningham Co Solicitors, 489 Mt Alexander Road, Mppnee Ponds RE: ESTATE OF IDA BLANCHE LEASK deceased TAKE NOTICE that HEATHER FRANCES JONES (in the Will called HEATHER FRANCES LEASK) of 94 Shannon Street. Box Hill North. Victoria. Married Woman, the Executor named in the Will dated the 8 August 1976 and the Codicil dated 22 October 1995 ot IDA BLANCHE LEASK late of 94 Shannon Street. Box Hill North.

Widow, deceased will 14 days after the date of publication of this advertisem*nt apply to the Supreme Court ol Victoria lor a grant of probate of that Will and Codicil. MELVYN BARNETT 543 Station Street Box Hill 31 28 Legal Practitioner RE: ESTATE OF CONSTANCE BURKE Deceased TAKE NOTICE that LESLIE MICHAEL BURKE the Executor named in the Will dated 25 October 1989 of CONSTANCE BURKE late ot Western Suburbs Private Nursing Home. 44 Stephen Street. Yarravuie. Widow.

Deceased win fourteen days after the date of publication of this advertisem*nt apply to the Supreme Court of Victoria for a grant of Probate of that Will HERBERT GEER RUNDLE SOLICITORS 385 BOURKE STREET MELBOURNE VIC 3000 Kesponaeni ADVERTIsem*nT OF APPLICATION FOR WINDING-UP Date of document 14 October 1999 Filed on behalf of The Applicant Gadens Lawyers Solicitors Level 10, 333 Collins Street MELBOURNE 3000 Solicitor Code 341 DX361 Melbourne Tel. 9252 2555 Ref: Lucy McKernan Notice is hereby given that an application for the Winding up of the abovenamed Company bv the Supreme Court of victoria was on 5 October 1999 filed by Bulla Tip Quarry Pty Ltd (ACN 007 097 761) The application is tp be heard before the Master in Court 5. Supreme Court, Ground Floor. 436 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne at 1 0 30 am on 1 7 November 1 999 Any creditor or contributory of the company desiring to support or oppose the making of an order on the application may appear at the time of hearing bv himself or his counsel for that purpose. The apDiicant's solicitors are Gadens Lawyers of Level 10.

333 Collins ARTDRAMA TEACHER. LI (Multi-Age) from 2512000 to 191 22000 Applications close 181 199 For details phone Hampton P.S 9598 1 4 1 2. BEAUTY THERAPIST FULLY QUALIFIED Eastern suburbs This position would suit the person who is lookintg to develop their skills further in the environment of a tap salon You must be a great communicator with strong Interpersonal skills, honest and responsible This is your oolooort unity to work In an environment with excellent conditions The criteria being EXCELLENCE it you (eel you are the suitable candidate please call between 8-1 lam or 5 9pm frpm MondayOI1 199on041 1 627 727 PHARMACIST Part time pharmacist with hospital experience read for midweek andor weekend (9am-Spm) work Phone Amanda 9500 0496. PHARMACY SALES ASSISTANT exp preferred, others considered Ormond Amcal. Ph 9578 2027.

substituted Executrix named in the Will dated the 7th june 1976 of JACK PIGDON iate of 24 Nelson Street East St Kilda in the said State, Labourer, deceased will 14 davs alter the date of publication ot this advertisem*nt apply to the Supreme Court ol victoria for a grant of Probate of tne said Will, CONSTANCE GWENDOLYN ABBOTT, the Instituted Executrix having predeceased the deceased FOGARTY, BAYWARD OLIVER, Solicitors of 84 Chapel Street St KHda3l82 TAKE NOTICE that Fay "Rebecca Joachim of Unit 3' 54 Balaclava Road Caulfield Victoria Home Duties will 1 4 days after the date of publication ol this advertisem*nt apply to the Supreme Court of Victoria for a grant of Letters of Administration of Ihe estate of Israel Simpson Dzienclol late of Monteftore Homes. 619 St Kllda Road Melbourne In the said State a daughter of the said deceased. SPICjLER SCHWARCZ. Solicitors june isoj or minci ia CABINET MAKER YR for office lurn 9545 3833 CABINETMAKER INSTALLERI SUBCONTRACTOR Victoria's largest last growing roosi advanced kitchen manufacturer Is currently seeking highly and ambitious self starters to Joii our team ol installers. Experience ii cabinet making joinery and kitchen installation a must.

Own transport reauired Earning potential StOOfi TEACHER LI GENERAL'S (Multi-Age) Irom 2512000 lo 19122000 Apoltcations close 181199 For details ohone Hampton PS 9598 1412 TELEMARKETING PRESTON AREA 1 SHIFT MON-SAT 10AM-2PM Yes Yes Ye. The Modern Group Is opening anpther telemarketing shift. We have 1 0 vacancies for highly motivated, well groomed people to 10m the Modern Grouo in our very successful lelemarkellng division Applicants must be articulate and have a professional approach Would suit university people looking for Holiday work Hrlv rate bonus structure makes this a very rewarding position Contact Personnel Manager 13 11 78 Modern Croup 3 Water Rd Preston TELEMARKETING EARN $20 PER HOUR We currently have vacancies for motivated oeople with excellent phone manner, fluent English and a great outgoing personality Experi-ence preferred but not essential as full training is provided For further information phone Derry 9878 0781 bet 3-9 and Sat 10-2 Situated in Blackburn THERAPIST Madusa Hair "and Beauty Studio in Keilor Village is seeking a qualified part time and full time busv Therapist to start in PHYSICAL SPORT EDUCATION TEACHER, L1 Multi-Age). 06 time fraction, from 2512000 to 19122000 Applications close 181199. For details ohone ampton 9599 1412 RECEPTIONIST reauired bv food wholesale company in Ashburtpn Duties also Include data entry banking filing and general office duties Reauired skills: fluent In english and Cantonese, previous office experience and driver's licence.

Call 9563 0555 after 9am per weex. an areas. iaxe au aireei. rvieioaurne. victoria, juuu Monday Friday 7.30am 8.00pm Saturday 7.30am 1.00pm Sunday Mon-rn tor interview.

Tel 954 cation must serve on or send by post to the abovenamed solicitor, notice in writing of that intention. The notice must state the name and address of the person or. If a firm, the name and address of the firm, and must be signed by the person or firm, or their solicitor (if any), and must be served or, it posted, must be sent bv post in sufficient time to be received not later than 4 pm. on 16 November 1999. lpm- 8pm Warrandyte Road North Rlngwood 3134 will 14 davs after publication of this advertisem*nt apply tp the Supreme Court of Victoria for a Grant of Probate of that Will.

MICHAEL CANAVAN. Solicitor Belfast Road Montrose 3795 RE: PAMELA OENISE WHITLA deceased Take notice that PHILIP RICHARD WHITLA ol 1785 Sturt Street Baitarat. Victoria, Finance Manager the residuary beneficiary under the Will dated 14th January 1969 of PAMELA DENISE WHITLA deceased, late of 1785 Sturt Street. Baliarat. victoria will 14 days after the date of publication of this advertisem*nt apply to the Suoreme Court of Victoria for a grant of administration of the estate ot the deceased with the Will annexed.

THE TRUSTEE COMPANY AUSTRALIA LIMITED shown In the Will as THE UNION FIDELITY TRUSTEE COMPANY OF AUSTRALIA LIMITED Of 151 Rathdowne Street, Carlton South. Victoria, the executor named RECEPTIONISTSTELEPHONISTS reauired for offices in Doncaster. south-east suburbs, western suburbs, Frankston and Dandenong 16-20 yrs (youth wages apply) Must be friendly, organised reliable, good with people and like the phone Call David for interview on. 9890 6599 or 0417 579 88.3 BOOKKEEPERPERSON FRIDAY A mature minded experienced oerson is reauired la be responsible for ihe comoetent function of a busy office at a Dandenong manut co Duties will include debtors customer service, order control, creditors word processing, trial balance, banking, working with one part-time Assistant and liaising with the factory stall, the and the You will be fully familiar with our Business Manager Ambassador System, have an excellent understanding ol commercial realities and most importantly, have an excellent customer service attitude You will have proven experience In similar positions Salary will be around S32K oa Written applications, stating the relevant details and marked Confidential should be mailed NO LATER THAN 5TH NOVEMBER 1 999 to The General Manager. Person Friday' PO Box 4257 DANDENONG SOUTH VIC 31 64 BOOKKEEPER Experienced.

Full time position Duties incl secretarial, reception. MYOB accounting to TB. TAKE NOTICE that Susan Gail Wallington the Executor named in the Wilt dated 11 August. 1992 of Phyllis Ruth Franklin late of 119 jetty Road. Rosebud in the State of Victoria will 14 days after the date of oubiication of this advertisem*nt apply to the Supreme Court of Victoria for a grant of probate of the Will.

Featherby's Solicitors, 1043a Point Neoean Road. Rosebud, in the State of Victoria, RE: GEORGE WILLIAM GR1GG deceased Take notice that AMANDA MICHELLE MARGETTS one of the beneficiaries under the Will dated 26 June 1980 of GEORGE WILLIAM GRIGG deceased, late of 222 Dwver Street Macleod Victoria. Labourer, will 14 days alter the date of oubllcation of this advertisem*nt apply to the Supreme Court of Victoria for a Grant of Administration of the estate of the deceased with the Will dated 26 lune 1980 annexed, the aoooint- newiy renovateo saion i-oniaci newly re our 9331 5118 SAFETY TECH POSITION Career opportunity with one of the world largest and most respected salety companies. The successful candidate must possess integrity, Ihe ability to learn, initiative and the CABINETMAKER we reauire the services of aualified trades person whit is experienced In manufacture anc! installation of quality cabinets 1'-is a permanent position. We are a small loiner shop in Braeside if you would like to work in a hapv environment please rlno958J 6B9rt CABINETMAKER.

Full time frosr, exists tor a person with exper In Ihe manulacture of architectural cabl nets shoofittlngs Immed slait OT avail Excell 973B 0883, AH 0419 533 657; CABINETMAKER! Labourer IFuTl time posn exists for person with some exp In the making of kit bathrm cabinets Immed start 0 avail Dllc ess Excell wagesccHlit! 9738 0883. AH 049 533657 CABINET MAKERS. Shop 'ittinn company based In Heidelberg Acs; reauires experienced tradepr-isorr for part time lull time position: Ph 9459 961 1 CABINETMAKERS with solid timber furniture assembl experience Overtime avail. Not subs. Call Peter Boyne 940B 7sn I CABfNttMAKEA qualified or Bra or 4th Yr Apprentice experience! both commercial and domestic F-timep-tlme Tullamarine.

931C 4144 JESSIE MAY ANGUS DECEASED TAKE NOTICE TREVOR PARTINGTON the Executor named in the Will dated 30 April 1980 of JESSIE MAY ANGUS deceased late of 1 6 Alexandra Street Greensborough Victoria will 14 days after the date of publication of this advertisem*nt apply to the Supreme Court ol Victoria for a Grant of Probate of that Will. NICHOLAS Q'DONOHUE CO Lawyers, 180 Queen Street, Melbourne 3000 Tel: 9607 8100 0 1907 Ref: CL20q0296 ment ol LINDA JEAN GRf( TOLERATE din rail Street North. Baliarat electronics or electrical background Experience within trie Offshore Oil and Gas industry will be a definite plus Will reauire relocation to or near Sale. Australia. Honl rrstora tinn contractors Art iqB 1D0YLES 335.0 THEIR P0YER1 Please sena Hesume l.v to Salety Tech Position Australia 5 largest roof restoration company Modern Roof Restoration has vacancies for hard working people to enter the roof restoration business All training given, no ongoing fees Capital reauired 1 0 000 to cover cost of equipment We supply all the work Only CONSTRUCTION LAWYERS NOTICE OF WINDING UP ORDER In the matter of HITBACK PTY.

LTD 4o Haymona sire Sale. Victoria 3B50 GARY COONEY Solicitors of 1 1 Roy ton Sheet, East 3151 RE: Helena Finkel deceased Take Notice that Peter David Szental of 1 4 Linlithgow Road. Toorak, Victoria the Executor named In the Will dated 25 March 1 996 of Helena Finkel deceased late of 5 Montrose Court, Toorak. victoria will 14 days after the date of publication of this advertisem*nt aoolv to the Supreme Court ol Victoria for a grant of probate of that Call 13 3240 world Visional Child Spomonhlp RE: PHYLLIS EDNA CAHIR deceased Take notice that VERNA EVA LONG Of 4 Virginia Street, Mount Waverlev. Victoria Home Duties, the Executrix named in the Will dated 11 September 1989 of PHYLLIS EDNA CAHIR Home Duties deceased, late of Glen Waverlev Nursing Home.

982 High Street Road, Glen Waverlev Victoria, will 14 days after the date of oubiication of this advertisem*nt winding i October 19' genuine rwra wonters neea appiy 1 email moot in Manager Name and address of Liauidator is WILLIAM ABEYRATNE Of Judson Modem Group LAHftMltKl UD CO a on iNepean mgnway Moorabbln. 3189 MELTZER GREEN Solicitors for the Applicant. tor Will. AnnULU OLU-n LCIDLtrt Miit own a reliable bike ATT: Sub -Contractors, Suopliers Not all projects or Tenders are listed here For information on these and other projects, try our free-trial report PH Construction research 9726 4325 or 042781 K)62 CARPENTER SITE MANAGER fully eoulpped and experienced carpenter relocating to Victoria Contract supervision same co. last 3 years on projects 1 50k to 5m 35i Sth Eastern suburbs, immec start ongoing work tor the right team excellent rates.

Prompt payment' Contact Tony 0412.058 Head Office 94398776 CARPENTERS Progressive medium sire consflui tlon firm Is looking for a team 2 ACCOUNTANT Progressive St Kilda Rood 3 partner Chartered Amounting prottke, requires Senior Accountant with 3 years business services experience. Ideal candidate would have initiative ond desire to service wide range of public, private ond individual clients. Having commenced or just completed PY year, the appointee will work closely with all partners in on open, friendly and modem environment Salary nog. Please send resume to: The Pottwrs, P.O. lox 7082, 479 St MMa Rood Post Office, KWbowne, 3004.

'lllis space is provided by The Age a community service. PETER JAMES WHITE deceased Take notice that GODFREY MICHAEL STEWART of Unit 9. 212 Melbourne Street Mulwala In New South Wales Solicitor the substituted. Executor named In the Will dated 28 May 1966 of PETER JAMES WHITE deceased, late of 21 Luxton Terrace Seaford in Victoria Manager will, 1 4 days after the date of publication of this advertisem*nt, apply to the Supreme Court of Victoria for a Grant of Probate of that Will RAYLEE ANNE 'WHITE Telecommunications SALES REP No experience necessary We are now hiring 10 NEW positions for the new telephone service Our reos will be marketing LOCAL CALLS, mobile phones, telephone and Internet services Here Is a chance to enter the exciting world of telecommunications In a job with a future Average earnings 1900 pw For an Interview call Rachel NOW WEEKDAYS 92247222 WEEKENDS 0413 904 125 carpenters ror an types oi car oar- I FOR HIRE 7 Tonne Excavator with Simmer and backhoe 4WD all Jcktts n4l1 741 nr MELBOURNE CUP DEADLINES Tlu' Telephone Sales Centre will lie operating from 9.00am-5. 30pm on Tuesday 20a1 of November, the Melbourne Cup Holiday.

All deadlines for Wednesday 3rd of November will be brought forward. Thus includes: Employment Classifications (with the exception of Epicure and Education which will maintain their preprint deadlines. Commercial Industrial Real Estate-Classifications Law Notices and Tenders Public Notices and Personal Notices Births, Deaths, Funerals, etc. Display Advertisem*nts (Settings) will be brought forward to 2.00pm Monday tor the Wednesday edition. Display Advertisem*nts (Complete Material) will be brought forward 24 hours for the Wednesday Edition.

THURSDAY DRIVE DEADLINES Line Advertisem*nts 5. 30pm Tuesday Display Advertisem*nts (Settings) Monday 2.00pm Display Advertisem*nts (Complete Material) will be brought forward 24 hours for the Wednesday Edition tasiern urther Infe Full training provided Guaranteed earnings Ph. 9427 7586 TRANSPORT RECRUITMENT OWNER DRIVERS We place owner drivers with 4 busy courier companies, based throughout Melbourne. If vou own or are willing to purchase a white lale model 1 TONNE VANTRAY HATCHBACK MOTORBIKE We can provide training, guaranteed earnings, plenty of work Pleaselryew or Rita on iz ZAHU 1 T3 rTv Irs" See DRIVERS under Situations Vacant please phone Ken 0417391 533 RE: James Ignatius Aloyslus Young Deceased Take notice that Christopher Lawrence Young a son and one of the beneficiaries under the Will dated 18 December 1973 of James Ignatius Aloyslus Young late of 20 Glen Park Road, Sayswater. victoria will 14 days alter the publication of this advertisem*nt apply to the Supreme Court ol Victoria for a grant of Letters of Administration with the Will annexed, Elaine Phyllis Young the Instituted executor having Eredeceased the deceased, Nance ucas Parkinson the substituted executor having renounced Probate 041 3 444 599 ask for Tony or John PRICE reauired Tor the levelling rcstumolng of 2 shops in Belgrave For more details contact Malcolm RE: RONALD JAMES GILES deceased TAKE NOTICE that EILEEN GILES of 1 3 Outlook Drive, Byrwood.

Victoria Widow and RICHARD HARTLEY GILES of 47 Urauhart Street, Hawthorn. Victoria, investment Manager, the executors named In the Will dated 3 August, 1998 of RONALD JAMES GILES deceased, late of 13 Outlook Drive. Burwood. Victoria, will 14 days after publication of this advertisem*nt apply to the Supremo Court of Victoria for a grant of probate of that will. TOLHURST DRUCE EMMERSON, Legal Practitioners of 38LqnsdaleStreet, Melbourne, the Instituted executor appointed therein havino predeceased the U4Ut) CQ3 oof STILLMAN A WILSON.

Solicitors, 575 Bourke Street, Melbourne 3000. RACt6r manhole builder and live sewer break ins Eastern and southern suburbs. 0413 444 599 ask for John CARPENTERS Framing and lor up required. Phone: 9776 1214 PAULDING CONSTRUCTIONS PTY. LI I).

CARPENTERS (2) frame' and' Fck5 up 9462 2022 or DomlnTc 0419578512 CARPINTEM double storey extension. Preston area. Strt approx 3 weeks- 9888 977 7. CArMt CtBMffB full-tirneust exc i vm supplied SE subs 97768S0 lPSBSL i Crovoqp, TAKE NOTICE that JOHN PATRICK TOOHEY of 389 RE: ROSE ELLEN DYE JE ELLEN DYERdeceased 3tlce that PETER JAMES of 636 Sydney Tload. iae noil RANDLES ES AM 11ITHPRI AND ftf Take notice that ERIC HENRY COLLICOAT of 780 Mt.

Macedon Brunswick, victoria, ina. solicitor me expcasnnanaier. mu- oe txecuiur iiji computer inerate wnn Law Firms load Mt Macedon. Victoria the Britten Street, Glen Iris, Investment Adviser, the executors named in the Will dated 11th October 1999 of Will dated nth October 1999 of customer servi ny ALEXANDER KENNED Sutherland deceased, late of 1 1 Executor named In the will dated 11 IP August 1999 Of JEAN GEORGINA WALKER deceased, late of 1 52 Copper street Essendon. Widow will 1 4 day after the date of publication of tnis advertisem*nt apply to the Supreme Court of Victoria for a grant of orobate of that CASHirmCATA INfftr early start.

3 a 4 am. Markpls Prion 9 JATE5 wm alter the date of out advertisem*nt appl Epping street. East Malvern Victoria win 14 days after tht rxibl this adver cation of this advertisem*nt ration ot this advert iument CAULKER reauired for det.uu erne Court of Victoria of mat Will rant of nrntwtP ot probate apply to the Supreme Court of Victoria for a grant of probate of silicon work. Must be cxperltnrctl Pptpr Randies A Co Ptv Ltd Ptv, that Solicitors. 636 Sydney Road.

runswlck 3056. mi HiiRftT jraeme Bloom. Cunningham Co DRUCE JUKEFRMj SUPMJES PTY LTD SALES REPRESEMIrVTlWE Airefrig Supplies is an Australian owned refrigeration wholesaler who is seeking a dynamic Sales Representative to join our expanding Melbourne operation. The successful person will be responsible for the servicing of an existing clientele together with the identification and development of new business opportunities. The person we require must have good communication skills, be a team player and be able to set and achieve goals.

Experience in the refrigeration and wholesale Industry is preferred An attractive salary package will be negotiated with the successful applicant. Applications in writing to: mmrug swfuts ptv ltd, 2 G1W11 St, Mulpm Vk. 5170. hov rvii Ml EMMERSON Solicitors of 385 Lonsdale Street. Melbourne.

AWTHORN. exntrlenced. RE: SHIRLEY ROSSMOORE HERMAN deceased Take nntlep that IORFIIF Lyppard is Australia's leading national wholesaler distributing a large range of speciality veterinary products exclusively to Veterinarians. We are seeking an enthusiastic customer orientated person to join our busy customer service team. Experience in either pharmaceutical or veterinary industry preferred as is a familiarity with computer data entry.

This is an interesting and challenging position and will suit a person who works accurately and enjoys a fast pace. Please forward your resume to: Sales Co-Ordlnator LYPPARD VIC PTV LTD 88 Herald St, Cheltenham, Vic 3192 Applications close 15th November 1999 ANNETTE HALL One Of ne ys Fax Law Notices on 9601 2160 or 9601 2052 VIRGO A of IB Long Frinkston Victoria. Home ErJl Prill 2 hr Sat-Surr Exo rss 9B73 423S Mon(BH) Avenue Rosebud. Victoria. Cleaner, HE: I LLI AN ANNE WILSON MMJHPtlCf that RAYMOND DONALD SMITH Of 10 Kltson Street, Clayton, Victoria, the ecutbr nnied yLWmTH late njjml pjndenong Hastings Road, Pearcedale, Victoria will 14 days after the date of publication of mn advertisem*nt apply to the Supreme PreSt mm win QUINN QUINN Solicitors 119 Carpenter Street.

Brlofiton, date of, miii oavi arr in executors nameg in in? win gpieu 17 August 1986 Of SHIRLEY Camberwell. Home Duties, will. 14 days after the date of publication of mt advertisem*nt, apply to the Supreme Court of victoria for a grant ofrrobate of that Vynl JOHN Phillip HERMAN, the other executor named In the Will, having 469 Lafrobetreel. Melbourne JOOO puoj tea i ion ot tnis Cunrftm fniirt at for a Grant of Probate of ivey. Solicitor of 19a amoion Street Frinkston C7.

The Age from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (2024)
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Author: Manual Maggio

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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.